act one: III

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after walking for while, i felt like something was out of place, or rather, something had changed. Nothing was particularly out of the ordinary, but nothing was the same either.

Like, suddenly...
the world wasn't as monochromatic as the way i used to look at it.

maybe this place isn't so bad after all.
I thought, then smiling and chuckling to myself because of how impossible that was, and absurdly hopeful of me to think like that.

all of a sudden, a cold little tingle fell on my nose. then another. and another.
I looked up, and little dots of white flooded the sky, cascading down to the ground.

it's snowing. i thought, tucking a hand inside my pocket, extending the other so some would fall on my hand and melt into it.

it was cold.
but strangely, it was warm on the inside.
how far did each little snowflake fall only to land on the ground and to melt into nothing? I thought.

I smiled a little, because the snow reminded me of someone, and that certain someone was a person i didn't even know too well. Nontheless, i kept walking. Towards home.

upon arriving at my doorstep, my heart sank when i saw that all the lights were still on, because that would mean that my mom was awake.
I stood outside the door for a few minutes before mustering up the courage to twist the doorknob. I stepped inside, and was immediately bombarded by a screaming lady with at least three hundred thousand lice in her hair.

"Where were you?" she slurred, pulling me down to sit next to her.

"I was outside."


"I went out, with friends," i told her, hoping she'd take that as a good enough reason to leave the house. I supposed she did, as she just waved me away and continued sitting miserably at the same spot i've been seeing her sit in for the past 3 years or so.

"Good night."

she didn't answer me. I frowned, but quickly brushed it off, convincing myself that i should get used to it.

So went upstairs to brush my teeth, put on some oversized XXL pajamas from my floor closet, and hit the bed like a sack of potatoes.
I gazed at the little plastic glow-in-the-dark stars stuck on my ceiling, because our town is so polluted that it was nearly impossible to see any real stars outside.


I don't know when or how my mind went back to him, but it just did. I kept thinking about him, how his hair was the exact same shade of the black night sky, and how he only smiles with his eyes, never from his lips. The fact that whenever i talked to him, he kept staring at me with his eyebrows creased, and his lips pressed together.....

and the fact that he looked so sad.
why was he sad? did he do something wrong? did he run away?

"Whatever, i should be sleeping now."
i muttered, so i turned on my side as if i was hiding from the plastic stars, and fell asleep.

~ tomorrow

I woke up, extremely late tomorrow, because it was a gloomy Sunday, and i had the freedom to wake up whenever i want. So i shuffled out of bed with a ridiculously massive bedhead, and dragged myself here and there to get ready.
Like a normal, social teen, i checked my phone first thing in the morning, to see if any new messages come in. A few texts from Ruth probably about last night,and a missed call from an unknown number.

R: heyy loser! u free tdy?

L: no, busy.

she replied almost immediately, which surprised me because the fastest she replied to me before this was within the span of a week.

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