act three: I

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WARNING: slight smut ahead!! (kissing and hickeys)

L: victor, are you there?

I sent the message, and put my phone aside.

he's not replying....

I practically threw myself on the bed upon reaching my room, expecting a text back right after, but nothing came up.

now im the one being clingy.

I sighed, giving up on getting a reply, then stared into the ceiling.

why am I feeling like this...

I closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind and get my thoughts organized.

do I like him?

I thought it was just a crush that wouldn't last for long, but ultimately that was not the case.

we kissed, what does that mean?

"Shit... love is so complicated."


oh, a text!

I practically jumped on the phone, and smiled when I saw that Victor finally replied.

V: i am outside your house

i heard a knock on my window.
There he was, hovering like this morning.

"Hey," he said as i opened the widnow to let him in.


"I came to see you."

"We literally just spent the whole day together."

"I can't help it, you're the only person I can talk to."
"It's like I...have a home?And something to look forward to every day."

I blushed. Fuck, no one should be this hot, let alone a ghost boy. How could someone make me so flustered just by stringing a few words together?

"So, is this gonna be an ongoing thing or-"

He did it again. Rudely shutting me up by kissing me. But this time, he dared to stick his tongue in my mouth. I felt my entire body heat up as he put his cold hand on my cheek and the other behind my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his hand wandered down my back and then to my thigh. The wall hit the back of my head as my knees buckled.

"You talk too much."

"D-did you just come here to kiss me? Also, I'm gay."

"Yes. And, for me?"

"Duh." I chuckled, before continuing to snog his face off.

"Where... did howda kiss?" I slurred between kisses.

"Don't know. I guess I'm a natural, aren't I?"

"I never knew you had this side to you."

"Oh? What side?" he smirked, I could feel my heart melt in my chest.

"Y-you...t-that s-sexy side of yours."

He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder with my back still pressed against the wall.

"Why do I feel so strange around you?" he muttered lowly, and his voice sounded like if velvet was music. His teeth nipped on my skin, I could feel my already loose shirt slipping off my shoulders.

"'s b-because you love me."

"...Yes, valid reason. Yeah..." he mumbled with his arms around my waist. His body was cold, but there was something to it that made me want to hug him real close.

my gosh...more...please....

He kept nibbling at the right places around my neck, and that 'good spot' behind my ear. I tried to keep my voice down, which was harder than it should be.

"Do you feel the same?"

"I guess, but how am I supposed to tell everyone that I'm dating a ghost?"

"T-that's the thing. I actually came here to tell you..."
"Could we run away together?"

I froze. It was so quiet, I could hear Blue chirping from her cage downstairs.


a/n: short and sweet chapter +cliffhanger eyyyy >:D

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