act two: II

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What was that just now...?

I plopped on my bed after a nice, long shower, the whole time thinking about what i just saw.

it looked so real.
maybe I'm just tired...

I paced around the room, untangling my nerves and trying to calm myself, but I couldn't shake the feeling of dread, the type that resides deep in your gut, slowly tearing it's way into your soul.

It was too strange for me to understand at that time, so i just assumed it was because of exhaustion and weariness that my brain would play tricks with my eyes.

I looked out the window, half expecting another creepy vision, but everything seemed normal to me.
What I didn't expect was that a tall, slim figure stood at my doorstep, looking directly at me through the window.


He waved, and i hurried downstairs to greet him.


"I thought you'd be here."

"How did you know i lived here?"

"..I-I have my ways."
"I just wanted to see you, that's all."

"Why would you want to see me?"

"Because whenever you're away, i feel like I've lost something I haven't quite lost yet."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. May i come in? It's a little chilly out here."

So i was letting a ghost in to my house. I watched him step inside and look around curiously, with a relaxed expression on his face. (Thank goodness i just cleaned the house a little)

"You've got a wonderful home..." he said, his voice sounding much softer than usual, and even further away than it already was.
His fingers brushed the dusty glass films of the photo frames that sat on the shelves, most of them were pictures of my parents, and my grandparents whom I've never met before.

"...and wonderful people to look up to."


I told him to wait in the living room while i got to the kitchen to have a small mental breakdown session.

ok. ok. so, this is normal.
i definitely do not know what to do, or what to say, but whatever, just breathe.
calm the fuck down Lucas.

I prepared some tea with freakishly shaky hands, because i thought that Victor might be cold, and he would like to have something hot. Or would he like cold things because he's a ghost? I dont know.

I brought the tea to the living room while brainstorming a conversation topic so it wouldn't be awkward.
And oh, yes, the polaroid camera, i had to bring it down.

"I came to show you something."

"Show me what?"

"This. You showed me yours yesterday."

He fished out a sleek, black flip phone out of his pocket, and handled it really weirdly like holding a beaker of acid.

"I couldn't find a blue one."

"The idea is too pick out your favourite colour, and you've chosen black."

"I see."
"Could you teach me how to use it?"

"Look, this is how you turn it on." I said, pressing the button. The screen lit up, and Victor blinked.

"Oh my gosh, there are tiny words in the light!"

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