Chapter 4: New Realizations

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*First off, I'm glad to see everyone's excited for this already! Second, I'm trying to publish as much as possible in this book that mainly concerns the rockstars instead of stuff going down in TWD (that's why I've only mentioned the Whisperers and they haven't shown up yet). Reason why is because I'm excited to write this and you guys seem excited to read! Third, some of you may hate me for what's coming up here, but I have a feeling a lot of you will love this (knowing some of you Tom Keifer stans out there. I've read the fanfics!) Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this and what's to come! ~Jess*

Tom's POV: "Eric, I'll be right back." I said as I left my house. Maybe Blackie can help me with what I'm feeling right now. He seems to be an emotional expert. I didn't see him roaming Alexandria, so I knocked on his door. A second later I heard a loud crash from inside, muffled cursing, and Penelope's laughter. When Blackie answered the door, he was silent. Behind him, a shelf was on the ground with broken planter pots around it.

"Don't ask." He said.

"But I really wanna know what happened here." I said, holding in laughter.

"What do you want Tom?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"I need your help figuring something out." I said.

"Come in." He replied, moving out of the way. I walked inside, avoided the mess, and sat at the table. Penelope quickly ran up and gave me a hug before hopping on Blackie's lap. She quickly became distracted by his hair. "What ails you Keifer?"

"I've been feeling - ah, how do I explain this?" I tried to figure out how to explain what I was feeling to Blackie. "Since Eric got here earlier, I've been feeling different. But I don't know what it is."

"You uneasy, don't trust him?" He asked, trying to figure out what I was saying.

"No, it's like - I see him differently. I've never felt like this around him. I just feel different when I'm near him. Like, butterflies in my stomach different." I attempted to explain. Blackie raised an eyebrow.

"Keifer," he said, "I don't think we're being completely honest with ourselves here." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. He sat Penelope down. She swiftly ran into the living room to play.

"Butterflies in the stomach? Feeling different? Never felt like this before?" He folded his hands and leaned forward. "You see where I'm going with this yet?"

"Dont beat around the fucking bush Blackie tell me!" I said.

"It sounds like you got a crush Tommy-boy." He finally said. I leaned back in the chair, speechless.

"No. It can't be that." I said, "I've only liked and dated women. I've never had feelings for a guy."

"That's all I can think of Tom." He replied, "You feel off around him yet you still trust him. You've never felt this way before. Butterflies in the stomach. That's all it could be. Looks like you're bi."

He's right. With all these feelings I'm having I still trust him. I'm getting nervous around him yet it's a good feeling. I want to hold him forever. Blackie's right.

I like Eric.

"I gotta go." I said before leaving.

"Go get 'em tiger!" Blackie called as I walked out. My nerves were as high as they could ever be. When I walked inside, I found Eric pacing around.

"Eric." I said, trying to think about how I was going to explain this to him.

"Tom, I need to test something here." He approached me.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Suddenly, he kissed me. He kissed me. I refused to pull away, and so did he. Instead, I gently placed my hands on his cheeks, savoring every moment. Part of me thought this was a dream. I realize I have a crush on my friend, then he suddenly kisses me? It can't be real. But it felt so good. Eventually, he slowly pulled away.

"I assume you feel the same?" He asked.

"Of course." I answered. Without hesitation, we went back at it. This time a little rougher. Eric pulled me close as I ran my hands through his hair. This wasn't gentle kissing anymore, this was full on making out. We made our way to the couch, lips still locked. At one point he was laying down while I was on top, still going at it. He grabbed my thigh while my hands were on his cheeks again. We pulled away again and just stared into each other's eyes.

"I don't know what's come over me and why I suddenly feel this way about you. But it feels so good." Eric said, running a hand through my hair.

"Same." I simply replied. We continued looking into each others eyes before I gently kissed him again. He didn't pull back. I still feel like at any moment I'll wake up and this will all be a dream. I can't believe he feels the same way...

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