Chapter 8: Washington D.C.

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Tom's POV: Washington D.C. A New beginning for all of us? Nope, just another deserted wasteland full of walkers. Everyone is taught that Congress has secret hideouts in case of events like this, that way they can restore a functioning government after the fact. If that's the case, where the hell are they? I'll tell you where: They're wandering the streets as walkers. Pretty sure I saw walker Tipper Gore walk by.

A bunch of us from Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom, Sanctuary, and Oceanside are here today, attempting to look for any sign of life. Since I seriously doubt any of that will happen, we're looking for stuff that may be useful. Jadis said there should be some seeds in one museum, and we figured we could grab stuff for transportation while we're at it.

Once inside, we all split up into groups, going separate ways. My group, which consisted of Blackie, Jadis, Siddiq, Enid, Eric, and myself all went down in the basement. It didn't take to long for someone to get pulled under by a walker. I quickly rank to grab whoever was under the sheet, only to find Blackie pop up, quickly brushing himself off.

"You ok?" I asked, the others catching up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That was the scariest shit I've ever seen." He said, still brushing himself off. "I don't like spiders." I had to suppress my chuckle.

Eventually, after getting the seeds we came for, we found a wagon, plow, and canoe. All stuff that can come in handy now that we're all trying to rebuild. Except the difficult part is to come.

Getting the wagon down the stairs is difficult enough. Getting the heavy wagon and other stuff over a glass floor with a hoard of walkers down below is an even more daunting task. We spent a solid 20 minutes just trying to set up a rig to make everything easier. In the end, the damn plow was the straw that broke the camel's back. The floor was slowly cracking the entire time we wheeled everything out, but when Carol and Ezekiel were taking care of the plow, a spot shattered and he fell into the hole. Luckily the rig saved him and we got him out, but it could've gone south real fast. Like it did on the way back home. We lost a kid. A hoard was coming and we were about to abandon the one horse and wagon to retrieve it later. He quickly ran back to save the horse, but once she was cut loose, he got bit in the arm and knocked out cold by the horse. We tried to save him but it was too late. The kick combined with blood loss from the bite killed him.

I've been a wreck since we got back home. I feel like I had something to to with his death, like I could've prevented it. If I would've grabbed him and pulled him back he'd still be alive. Sure we'd be out a horse, but we have others. Clearly Eric's noticed my sorrow.

"Tom." He said, snuggling close to me, "It's not your fault."

"How can you say that Eric?" I asked through tears, "I could've stopped him. I could have. Not Maggie, not Ezekiel, not Siqqiq. Me. I'm the reason he's dead."

Eric distracted me by kissing me. It took a little, but my tears dried up.

"C'mon." He said, standing up and grabbing my hand, "You need a break." He led me upstairs to our bedroom, being quick to push me onto the bed. "I think I can take your mind off of things." He said before getting my shirt off.

I think you know where this is going...

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