Chapter 12: Suspicions and A New Addition

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Axl's POV: What Eric did when Tom moved was a little odd to me

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Axl's POV: What Eric did when Tom moved was a little odd to me. I get it, their friends, but it seemed more than that. Tom even comforted him by stroking his hair. Needless to say my curiosity is peaked. We all waited around them until Eric felt ok to leave. He stayed close to Tom as they walked in front of us.

"The hell's going on with them?" I whispered to Jon.

"Beats me." He replied, "He's all Tom's got left at this point. I guarantee that's why they're so close and why Tom's really comforting him."

"Yeah I understand that, but Eric is really clinging to Tom." I said, "I mean, look at him. He's got his arms wrapped around the guy and couldn't get any closer into his chest."

"I don't know man." Jon said, "Eric just went through hell. Leave 'em be."

"What're you two talking about now?" Sebastian asked as he wheeled up to us.

"Axl's trying to pry into Tom and Eric's personal lives." Jon answered.

"I'm not prying! I'm just a little curious that's all." I said.

"Just mind your own business would ya?" Blackie said as he walked by.

Blackie knows something about those two.

Blackie's POV: I heard Axl and the others talking about Tom and Eric. Something tells me they're onto them. This isn't good. Tom wanted to keep this a secret, and I understand why. Who knows how the guys will react, especially since his last partner was Joan?

"Just mind your own business would ya?" I said as I walked past them, directly to Tom. "I think Axl and them back there are getting suspicious about you two."

"What do you mean?" Tom asked, trying to remain inconspicuous.

"Axl took notice to how often you guys are together and how you both reacted with the Whisperers." I said, "I'm not sure if he knows exactly what's going on or if he has a wrong intuition, but I would suggest you plan on coming out soon or hiding this better."

"Thanks." Tom said.

Tom's POV: What Blackie said was slightly worrying. I didn't want anyone knowing about me and Eric yet, mainly since I still don't feel comfortable expressing it publicly yet. But it looks like I need to make a decision soon. Or at least try to cover it up.

When we got back to Alexandria I quickly got Eric back to the house.

"Stay here. You're probably a target now." I said, "I'm gonna work with the others on securing the place." Eric just crawled into the bed. I kissed his cheek before walking downstairs and out of the house.

"Michonne, you have Rosita get security on high alert." I said, walking, "Vince, get a couple people to stand guard outside around the community. Axl, alert Hilltop, Kingdom, Sanctuary, and Oceanside, make sure they're vigilant. And somebody find Slash and Nikki for fuck's sake!"

A loud scream from outside the gates caught my attention. I ran up to the guard post with Rosita to check on the commotion.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Walker has a girl there." She handed me a pair of binoculars so I could see. Sure enough, a walker was trying to bite this woman. It looked too suspicious to me, especially since neither looked like they were struggling, yet the woman continued to scream. The bandana around her lower face wasn't helping her case. "What should we do?"

"Shoot the walker." I said, "Don't let anyone out to get her yet, let me check the surroundings quick." Rosita used her sniper rifle to kill the walker. It made the classic gargle noise to signify it was dead, and the blood coming out was definitely not living blood. There was nobody else in the distance either, and the woman looked extremely relieved. I hopped down, grabbed Blackie and Jon, and we went out to get her.

"Please don't hurt me!" She said, hands up, "I don't have much to offer you, only thing I have of value is a water bottle."

"Just empty your bag and pockets." I said, hand on my gun. She did as I asked. No map, weapons, walkie talkie, nothing that could connect her to the Whisperers.

"These guys a while back took all my shit. I have no weapons because of them. I'm of no use to you, so please just let me go." She said.

"Jon, keep an eye on her." I said, "Blackie." I motioned for him to follow me out of ear shot of her. "What do you think?" I asked.

"She seems ok. She has nothing to communicate with the Whisperers. No weapons, not even food. Maybe we should take her in."

"I'm thinking the same thing." I said. We both walked back over to her. "Alright. Grab your things, we'll take you back to our community."

"Oh, you really don't have to do this." She said, repacking her bag.

"You have nothing. It's the least we could do. But you will be under a strict eye for a while, we've had this group infiltrating us lately and we need to be alert."

"Please tell me it's not the Whisperers." She said.

"How'd you know that?" Blackie asked.

"They're the one's who took my shit." She answered, "Burned down the place I lived at. I don't blame you for being suspicious. And frankly I want them all dead."

"Nice to know. Gives me a slightly more trusting feeling of you." I said, "Name's Tom by the way."

"Tom? Tom Keifer?" She asked, "I thought I recognized you. And Blackie. And Jon. I just thought I was hallucinating."

"Have we met?" I asked, confused. She pulled down her bandana.

"It's me. Lita." She said. Fucking Lita Ford.

"Jesus Christ how did so many rockstars survive this?" Jon asked.

"Fuck, Lita! Now I'm feeling much safer about you being around." I said, "C'mon, let's get to your new home." We all went back to Alexandria...

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