The Red Dragon

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The clock struck 9 am. Piggy walked into the office, getting ready for whatever Azra had planned for him. Casually jogging up a few flights of stairs and entering Azra's office.

"Ah, Piggy. On time, as always."

"Indeed, sir."

"Sit down, I have some things to discuss with you."


He let his gaze wander around the room and sat on the comfortable couch right across Azra. Azra cleared his throat, signalling Piggy that what he was about to tell him might not be something he'd like.

"Okay, so. Let's get straight to the point. You're familiar with our new recruit Cerberus, right?"

Piggy sighed. He looked down on the boy. He didn't have a single bit of discipline inside of him. A huge brat, that's what he was.

"Uhuh, what's up with him?"

"Well, I figured you're the only one who could teach him something. Atleast respect and discipline."

"God, no. Azra, I'm sorry but that boy... He's insane. I possibly can't take care of him. Where are his parents?"

"They're dead. He's lived on the street for four years, but if you don't want to take care of him then I'll get someone else-"

"No way you're getting in my head like this. I'm really sorry, but go find someone else to clean up some street rat."

"Sure, you'll just be around the office today then."

"Great, have a nice day."

Piggy stood up and left. He was not going to take care of some rat that Azra found interesting. He already had enough to take care of. He made his way to his own office and sat down. He started up his computer and checked if he'd gotten anything back from Jade. The only thing he'd gotten was 'Call me a soon as you read this.' He quickly grabbed his phone and turned it on. He called Jade.


"Why was yer phone off? Why do ya even have one if ye're always MIA?"

"I'm sorry, alright? I don't like being checked and traced. Anyway, what do you have for me?"

"Well, I did research on Mr. Couture and his request to take out a member from The Red Dragon."

"Oh, and?"

"I'm not sure if it's a safe offer to take."

"Nothing is safe about this job. What are the major threats?"

"Well, first off all they're a group specialised in martial arts."

"So? A bullet will do the job."

"Piggy, they're like monks."

"What kind?"

"Northern Shaolin, very dangerous."

"Is it okay if I come over so we can discuss this?"

"Of course."

Piggy hung up and sighed. Today wasn't going to be a good day. He got up and as he made his way to the underground garage someone tapped his shoulder. He violently turned around and was ready to punch whoever stood behind him.

"Chill, it's just me. Need a ride?"

"God fucking damnit, Unknown. Yes, that's very much appreciated."


They walked over the Unknown's sleek black car. He unlocked his car as they both got in.

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