Go To Hell

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"Did ya see his tattoo?"

"Tattoo? Who cares? He was disrespecting an innocent waitress."



"He had a dragon on his neck, a red dragon."

"So? I can handle some chink."

"Piggy, no offence, but he would've killed ya."

"You didn't even let me try."

"Just drop it, okay? I'll contact Angel as soon as possible so he can take this over from ya."


"I'm sure Azra will have somethin' else for ya to do."

"He'll make me mother that street rat."

"Who? Cerberus?"


"Maybe it'll do ya some good."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, ya like takin' care of people and if ya don't have anythin' else to do at the moment-"

"No way, not you too. I'm not gonna put my time into a boy who won't change."

"Piggy, he's 17 that's still very young. He has so much to learn. Ya could teach him. All I'm sayin' is that maybe ya should take it into consideration, alright?"

"Hmm, alright. Should I give you a ride back or are you taking care of that on your own."

"On my own, thank ya though."

"Alright, I'll see you."


They parted ways, Piggy going back to the office and Jade returning home. The rest of the day Piggy hung around the office finishing up some small tasks. He saw Cerberus walk by a few times. For some reason there was an unidentifiable feeling hanging around him whenever he saw the boy. He decided that it was nothing and he just needed some fresh air. As he stood up he checked his phone and saw he'd gotten a few texts from a friend. He remembered he'd agreed to work out and spar with him this afternoon.

Running down the hallway he dumped into Cerberus.

"Get out of the way!"

"What the fuck! Watch your step, old man!"

"What the hell did you call me?"

"Old man!"

Piggy felt the anger burn inside him, but decided that he could let that out in the gym.

"Go to hell!"

He continued running down the hallway and down the stairs. By the time he got to his car the only thing he could think about was how angry he was. He unlocked his car and sat in the driver's seat. As he forced himself to breathe and calm down he glanced at the time, 16:45. He had to hurry. He hated being late and having to deal with people nagging. He jabbed his keys into the keyhole and started up the engine.

He'd always been a sloppy driver, speeding 'n such, but today was especially bad. Fortunately he didn't get into any accidents. He pulled up to the gym and got out of his car. He approached his friend who seemed slightly annoyed. They spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening beating the shit out of everything.

Meanwhile Jade came home. She sat down and turned her attention back to her screen. She sighed in relief as she saw she wasn't needed at the moment. She picked up her phone and called Angel.

"Jade? Is something wrong?"

"No, hello to ya too."

"Sorry, I'm not used to you calling. What's up?"

"Do ya think ya can come over?"

As she called him she pulled up his schedule and current location.

"Right now?"

"Uh, if it's possible."

"I'm sorry, but I'm out with my friends right now."

"It's okay."

"Is it urgent?"


"I'll drop by tomorrow as early as I can, yeah?"


"Good night, Jade"

"Good night, Angel. Have fun with yer friends."

"Thank you, bye."

As Angel hung up Jade let out a huge sigh. She felt tired and realised she hadn't had dinner. She may have pretended she didn't care about what Piggy had to say, but it did get to her. She knew she couldn't keep up this way of life. She made a mental note to start taking better care of herself tomorrow. She glanced at the clock on her computer screen and decided she could start better self care by going to sleep.

She stood up and shuffled to her bed. She hadn't been in it for a week now, sleeping on her desk while working. Only now she was starting to realise how bad she'd been treating herself. Laying down and relaxing felt like heaven. She soon fell asleep, too tired to think about anything else.

The next morning she woke up from someone poking her arm. Without thinking she reached for the gun next to her bed and pointed it at the person who was standing in her apartment.

"Chill, it's just me."

"Jesus Christ, Angel!"

"Sorry, I'll knock before breaking in next time."

He smiled while taking the gun away from her.

"I told you I'd stop by."

"What fuckin' time is it?"

"Around 1 o'clock, what did you do last night?"

"I slept."

"You must've needed it then. Well, let's eat some breakfast or rather lunch and then you can tell me why you needed me here."

"Alright, I don't have anything besides snacks here though."

"How are you still alive."

"Don't ask me."

"Wanna go out for brunch, then? I'm not letting you starve."


Jade got up and freshened up in her bathroom while Angel looked around her apartment.

"You live like a beast."

"We been knew. Ye're just like Piggy."

"When are you going to clean up?"

"Today maybe."

"Need help?"

"Ya don't have better things to do?"

"Not really, I like cleaning."

"I know, let's go."

While they were out for brunch Jade told Angel about the assassination and such. He seemed excited about having something to figure out and take care of. He didn't get things assigned often. His perfectionism was a curse and a blessing.

After their brunch they walked back to her apartment. As the were walking up the stairs Jade started to feel very nauseous. Angel noticed it and held his hand on her back to support her.

"What's wrong?"

"Just feelin' nauseous. 'Am okay, let's go."

"Jade, take it easy. I've got all day to help you."

"Let's just go, okay?"


They continued walking up the stairs a bit slower this time. When they reached her apartment and entered Angel ordered Jade to sit down while he got her some water. He already had a plan in his head of things that needed to be done. He calmly explained it to her while she sipped the water. They spent the whole day cleaning and grocery shopping. It was the first time in a long time since Jade hadn't touched her computer even once in a day.

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