Revenge and The Aftermath

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"He's not getting away with this, he's not getting away with this, he's not getting away with this, он не сходит с рук, он не сходим с рук!"

A sickening smile stuck on Neville's face as he ran his hands through his hair.

A guard entered.

"What are you being so loud for?"

Neville started laughing.

"Won't you just let me out, Leroy?"

"You know I can't do that."

"I just got a little carried away. Say you went to the bathroom."

"I can't let you out. Do you have a special wish for food, I can do that for you."

"I'd rather starve."

"I can get you some блины with jam or maybe meat or salted fish."

"Leroy, please, I want to leave. Do me a favour. No one will notice."

"Stop manipulating me."

"Just do me a favour, I won't cause any more commotion. If you get in trouble I'll take the blame."


"Where is Neville? Where is he!"

"Alex, calm down."

"Do not call me that. I will destroy this whole place if he is hurt."

"He...uhm he was actually put in contamination."


"He fought Ares."

"I- he would never do that...unless..."

"Unless what?"

"It must have been about Azra."

Xenon rubbed his forehead.

"I don't know."

"You are acting nervous. What do you know that I do not?"

"Nothing. Let's go spar or eat or something."

"You are a terrible liar."

"Lying? Me? No. Hotel? Trivago."

"What? Is that an idiom?"

"No, a meme."

"A what?"

"A- nevermind."

"I do not understand you."


"I want to see Neville."

"I don't think they'll let you. Why don't we go take a walk?"


Angel thought of a plan. He looked at his medical license in his glove compartment.

'Pretend to be a doctor for physical evaluation? That might work. How will I smuggle a weapon in? I need to get Azra out of there.'

He hid a gun in his boot.

At the gate the guard stopped him.

"Name, sir?"

"Angel Rodríguez Garcia. I'm here for the physical evaluations."

"May I see your license, sir?"

"Of course."

He got in and parked his car. He saw someone point towards him.

Before he knew it he was on the ground.

Everything went black.


They sat at a table in the back of the restaurant.

"Fuck, I'm glad to be free."


"I missed fried chicken, man."

Azra smiled.

"Maybe we should notify the rest we're safe. They must be worried."

"We should. I'll text Jade, she'll let everyone know."

Azra got his phone out and started to text Jade.


"Thank the lord!"

Jade quickly called Cerberus.

"Got anything?"

"Not from Styx, but from Azra."

"Oh fuck, well?"

"They're all fine. Him, Piggy and Moonlight."

"Oh shit, fuck."

"Ya really can't stop cursin', can ya?"

"I'm so fucking relieved."

Why did the weasel go pop, go pop
Pop, pop goes the weasel
Why did the weasel go pop
'Cause they upped the price
Of tuppeny rice to four pence
How did the pop get into the weasel
Weasel, pop goes the weasel
How did the pop get in there
Well, the weasel caught his
Beakle in the treacle

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