Christ on a bike

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When he opened his eyes his body felt heavy. He had huge bruises all over his body. Which were only just minor inconveniences.

Stepping out of his bed he groaned and stretched his body. Slowly walking towards the bathroom to wash his face, not even bothering to check the time or his phone.

Examining his face in the mirror a dark red mark captured his attention. As he splashed water in his face he got lost in his thoughts.

Cerberus crossed his mind while he sighed. What was it about the boy that aggravated him?
He hit close to home, reminded him of his past and gave him a sulky feeling.

Bitter feelings now rushed through his body, hidden memories resurfaced every time he saw the boy. His past ripped into his mind and this time he had nothing to muffle it with.


The city looked exceptionally gloomy that day. People seemed to be extra aggressive in traffic, it gave Piggy a heavy stomach. Today was going to be difficult.

The keys he'd found were now hidden away in the glove compartment.

He drove around the corner and was met with an unexpected sight. Cerberus was arguing with someone and it seemed like it would turn violent quickly. Piggy wanted to ignore it and drive away, but something was holding him back, telling him to do something.

He stopped the car and got out. Half of him wanting to get back in and forget while the other half of him screamed and dragged Cerberus away from whoever was trying to hurt him.

Cerberus fought back, like hell he did, despite that Piggy held onto him and eventually got him in the passengers seat. Piggy got into the driver's seat, locked the car doors and drove off.

Cerberus looked at Piggy who was holding onto the steering wheel tightly with clenched his jaw.

"What the actual fuck."

"Shut up and let me drive."

"Why the fuck did you do that?"

"I said shut the fuck up."

"No, I won't shut the fuck up. First, you pretend like I'm nothing but a piece of shit to you and then you drag me into your car while I'm fighting. All of a sudden you care. What the fuck is up?"

Cerberus didn't know how to feel. He himself had tried to accept working with Piggy, but he couldn't understand how Piggy did a 180 and suddenly cares about him.

Piggy stopped at a traffic light and looked at Cerberus.

"Could you hand me the water, it's in the glove compartment."

"I- okay."

Piggy looked visibly stressed and exhausted. He held his hand out while Cerberus opened the glove compartment and took out a bottle of water. Something fell out and Cerberus reached to get it.

Piggy continued driving while drinking the water, a skill that would've impressed Cerberus if he wasn't distracted.

"Christ on a bike, why do you have my keys?"

"Christ on a bike? Oh, those? I found them yesterday."

As Piggy drove into the underground garage he expected gratitude from Cerberus, however he received the complete opposite.

"Holy shit, I spent all day yesterday looking for them and then I had to call Unknown to pick the lock of the apartment. If you hadn't taken them I would've found them back."

Piggy was focused on parking and couldn't read the frustrated expression on Cerberus' face.

"The fuck do you mean?"

Cerberus got out and walked away with his keys. Piggy sat in confusion, not understanding Cerberus' unnecessary anger.
"What the hell," Piggy muttered under his breath while opening the car door.

Cerberus had completely disappeared and at that point Piggy didn't know what to feel.

He walked into the office with a daze of confusion surrounding him. He tried to view it from Cerberus' point of view, despite that he couldn't come up with a logical explanation. He shrugged it off and pushed it out of his mind, forcing himself to move on.

He walked into the office and sat at his desk. Taking a few deep breaths to clear his mind before starting up his computer.

After checking a few emails and such Piggy got a text from Azra. He had to come to his office immediately.

Piggy sighed and stood up. He already knew Azra wanted to know about what happened with Cerberus.

Piggy didn't want to talk about it, but despite that he roamed around the hallways for a bit before knocking on Azra's office door.

He entered and was met with a piercing look from Azra.

"Sit down."

Piggy nodded before sitting down. Looking at Azra, trying to figure out if Azra was going to take his side.

"I've seen the security camera's and I was pleasantly surprised to see you together with Cerberus, but then I noticed he walked away from you. What happened?"

Piggy explained what happened from the moment he dragged Cerberus into his car to when he walked away.

Azra was just as confused as Piggy. Asking multiple questions trying to find a solid reason for his outburst.

"I'll ask Jade to track his phone to find out where he is so I can talk to him. Just know that you did the right thing, both by taking his keys and taking him with you. I'm glad you changed your mind, Piggy."

"Thank you, sir."

"Go have lunch or something, I'll try to get to the bottom of this."


"Hi, Rose here. I'm unavailable right now, bu-"

Cerberus hung up and sighed in frustration. He needed to have a smoke with her. He texted her multiple times, telling her to call back as soon as possible.

His body felt restless as he walked around the city. His thoughts got interrupted by his phone. He eagerly looked at it and felt disappointment seep into his body. He answered Azra's call, fearful of declining it.


"Cerberus, I want you at the office right now."

"Is it urgent?"

"Yeah, where are you right now?"

"Somewhere in the city. Please, I just need to be alone today."

He heard Azra sigh.

"Alright, this time I'll be nice."

"Thank you so much."

Cerberus immediately hung up, not wanting to listen to anything else Azra had to say. Deep down he knew it was rude, but he didn't care.

He waited all day for Rose to contact him. He wouldn't be able to do anything without talking to her first. Even just a phone call would be enough to clear the fog in his head.

Around 3 PM he finally received a call from Rose.

"Cerberus? I'm sorry I didn't call earlier. Where are you now?"

"I'm close to your apartment. Are you home?"

"Yeah, we could go to a park or-"

"No, I'd rather go to your apartment. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, but you can't smoke in here."

"That's okay. I'll be there in a few."

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