(1) how you met

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S/N = Sibling Name

B/N = Bully Name

🌊 Lance 🌊

You were at the beach helping your little (brother/sister) learn how to surf when you realized you weren't so great at it yourself. The two of you fell into a fit of laughter as you slipped off of your surfboard for the seventh time.

"Having trouble?" A Cuban boy said from the nearby shoreline smirking.

You recognized the boy from your school. You had never talked to him because, well, you didn't really see why you should've.

You turned your gaze from your (brother/sister) to him and returned his smirk, "I can't seem to catch a wave for my (brother/sister) here, you know, show him/her how it's done," You said covering your mistake up while ruffling your little sibling's hair.

The boy chuckled at your antics, "Well I can always show him/her 'how it's done'. Maybe you can pick up some things too while I'm at it," He winked playfully as he started to catch a wave. Your face flushed a cherry-pink color

(Damn, Lance just roasted you)

You gawked at how well the boy could easily catch a wave and when he was finished after a few moments, (I have no clue how to surf just bare with me here..) He made his way back to you and your starstruck (brother/sister).

"How was that?" He said grinning at you.

Your face flushed a light pink that wasn't so obvious, as you smiled at him, "not bad, you've got some skill."

You held your hand out for the boy's.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and this is my (brother/sister), (s/n)."

A small smile found it's way to his lips as the boy looked from your hand to your face, taking your hand in his and shaking it, "Lance McClain, Nice to meet you," He said giving your younger sibling a fist bump.

The three of you just hung out for the rest of your time at the beach, soon enough you and (s/n) had to leave for dinner, but before you left, Lance gave you a slip of paper.

His number.


(You're in Highschool in this so just deal with it)

You were quite shy for a high school girl, but you can blame bullies for that. You used to be a bubbly and rather popular person in school, except that all changed when a certain person decided you were garbage.

You were shoved against an outdoor wall at the back of the school harshly by none other than B/N. B/N was your bully, and was one of the most popular people in school. Everyone thought he/she was a saint, when in reality..

"I'll ask again, would you like to be punched in the face?" He/she barked into your face.

You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut terrified.

B/N smacked you across the face.

"Then spill it, trash case," You obeyed and dumped everything inside your backpack onto the floor, letting B/N observe its contents.

".. That's it?" He/she said after a moment.

Your head snapped up to him/her, your puffy eyes about to tear up. "Wh-what do you mean? I- That's all I have with me-" B/N slammed you against the wall again, making you groan in pain.

He/she kicked you in the gut and then left you on the ground, "Bring something worth my time tomorrow and maybe I'll leave you alone," He/she said over his/her shoulder as he/she walked away.

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