Apprentice : Antpaw

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Apprentice : Antpaw

Antpaw is a soft-furred full black tom with a furry brown underbelly that reaches up onto his neck and amber eyes, greatly resembling Spiderleg of ThunderClan, as he is distantly related to him. Cats often say that he resembles his father, Antfur, in both appearance and personality, and Antpaw sees this as a great compliment, as his father was a loyal cat whom Sootstar chose as his first deputy. However, Antfur's time ran short, as he was killed by frostbite a moon later. But Antpaw does not want to live up to his father. He wants to lead his own life and not allow himself to be an echo of his father. He doesn't want to waste his time trying to become leader, his main goal in life to be happy. However, his sister expects him completely to become leader one day, and Antpaw would like to prove her wrong. Antpaw is your typical apprentice; playful, stubborn, eager to become a warrior. However, Antpaw looks up to all warriors with admiration, as he wants to be just like them, and listens to everything they say unless he's in a sour mood. He is a sweetheart, and can be found playing with kits or listening to elders' stories during his free time, and although he is very opinionated, he is very kind and friendly, and a cat that you'd have to be heartless not to love. He will make a fine and loyal warrior, and he rough traits will smooth out in the end. He has a crush on Dawnpaw. His older sister is Wheatwhisker. He is eight moons old.

Mentor: Birchcloud

Played by GrayWing

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