Warrior : Heavygaze

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Warrior : Heavygaze

Heavygaze is a large, grey tom with hazel coloured eyes. He is tall and muscular with a thick pelt of fur, making him look twice as large as an average cat. His paw pads are dry and cracked from years of running up and down the mountains tops in next to freezing conditions. His tail is cut short, his long grey fur abruptly ending in a stump. Heavygaze can come across as rude and condescending at first, and takes a while to warm up to cats outside his clan. He can be overly protective of his clanmates, sometimes coming across as possessive or demanding. The truth is, Heavygaze just wants to protect anyone, from the tiniest kit to the frailest elder, Heavygaze wants them all to be well fed and warm. He would out his life on the line for any of his clan members, and is extremely loyal to his clan. Heavygaze earned his name when he was 2 moons old. He snuck out from the nursery during green-leaf and came face to face with a hawk. The hawk landed a rabbit-length from Heavygaze's nose, staring down the tiny grey kit. Heavygaze stood and stared back at the hawk from sunhigh to moonrise, before his clanmates found him and took him back to the clan. He is thirty-four moons old.

Played by BlueTiger668

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