Apprentice : Dawnpaw

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Apprentice : Dawnpaw

Dawnpaw almost has the same build as her older sister, Birchcloud, lithe and slender, but she's almost as tall as Birchcloud since her sister was a runt of her litter. Dawnpaw earned her name from the creamy color of her soft coat, which resembles the early morning sun. Though, she's also got a tabby pattern in her pelt and those markings are just a bit darker and hard to be seen; she has a lighter, sandy colored undercoat, toes, and a muzzle. The she-cat is also adorned with light, leaf green eyes and a pink nose, as well as a long tail. Overall, the young female is very pretty and will blossom into a gorgeous warrior like her sister. Dawnpaw is a cheerful and bubbly young she-cat, and despite her mother's death, the young apprentice didn't know her, therefore she was never really saddened about it like Birchcloud was. Dawnpaw is usually playful and curious, but is too worryful to pull anything mouse-brained like leaving Camp without a warrior. The she she tends to daydream a lot, but she's quickly serious when need be. It's hard for her to see the evil when all she sees is the beauty, even in the ugliest things. You'll never catch her judging someone by their looks or leaving anyone out- she's just plain kind. Though she's also sensitive and her feelings may easily be battered, however, she's always optimistic about things and tries to provide those who are sad, with smiles. Dawnpaw has a crush on Antpaw. Dawnpaw's older sister is Birchcloud; her mother died when she was born, and her father is a rouge whom is considered dead since he disappeared right after the young she's birth. Dawnpaw's sister, Birchcloud, had two siblings in her litter, but they died at birth due to the illness that caused their mother to die at Dawnpaw's birth. Dawnpaw is distantly related to Morningflower of ShadowClan. Dawnpaw was also the only kit born to her mother's second litter. She is six moons old.

Mentor: Streamwind

Played by WarriorsForever12

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