Warrior : Windsong

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Warrior : Windsong

Windsong is a lithe black short furred she-cat, with dark blue (almost purple) eyes, that seem to see the deepest part of a cat's soul. Windsong can be considered argumentative when trying to get her point across,  hates looking weak in front of others, and hates being told what to do, by any cat except for her leader and deputy. Though, despite these things, she is brave and loyal, can be trusted with anything, and is a very skilled fighter and climber. She is a determined cat and wants to be the best, in everything she does. Windsong may look like she sometimes does not care, but on the inside she is a compassionate cat, that is willing to do anything for her clan. Her mother is unknown, and Windsong's father got killed by a mountain lion when she was a kit. Windsong's past is a slight mystery, her father never said much, and know one knows Windsong's mother. After her father died, not many cats expected Windsong as a kit to survive. But miracles do happen and Windsong is now a loyal warrior to HawkClan.

Played by WarriorCatFanForever

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