Warrior : Streamwind

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Warrior : Streamwind

Streamwind is a short, muscular, thick, short-haired,  light-gray tom with darker flecks along his spine. He has dark amber eyes that are always bright and happy and he has thick, large dark grey paws and tail tip. His underbelly is a whitish grey, along with his ears. Streamwind has a scar on his left shoulder and a ripped ear. Streamwind is the kind if cat who would always be there for you, even in your darkest times. He is very loyal, even to the death if it came to it. This tom always has a good joke on the tip if his tongue, and always seems to be smiling around another cats. Streamwind loves to play with kits and to tell stories. He is a very convincing and clever cat. It's too bad his loyalty is in the wrong paws. His deceased mother is Applewish. His living father is Scoop. His siblings are three unnamed kits. His living family consists of kittypets. He is twenty-six moons old.

Apprentice: Dawnpaw

Played by ToxicwingsX

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