cigar no. 1

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"cigarettes are food for broken souls

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"cigarettes are food for broken souls. "


there's something about the sound of turning page and the smell of hot chocolate that has Jimin taking his time as he studies.
the library is quite empty seeing as he's only surrounded by books at the moment.

various thoughts cascade through his mind while reading a chapter from his textbook. though despite the calming atmosphere he had yet to start on his paper.

had he known psychology would require so much writing he would be just chose and English major instead.

now, don't get Jimin wrong he loved what he was studying he just didn't appreciate his professor's need to torture him with gruesome papers.

sighing loudly he shut the textbook, small hands coming up to rub at his face.
he'd have to find someplace else to focus.  not that the library wasn't cozy he just wasn't feeling very...inspired.

after all, it was kind of hard trying to write a paper on one's philosophy when he didn't even have someone to write about. and his professor specifically stated that the person they used could not be a dead philosopher.

packing his things Jimin left the library his thoughts no longer cascading but wondering aimlessly.

the sun was already beginning to set when Jimin stepped foot outside the library.
the sky was painted in pretty hues of light pinks and blues with a touch of orange here and there. the campus was quiet desert considering it was a sunday since most people spent their time inside or our to have fun.

it was a lot more peaceful out on the weekends more so than during the week.

however, none of this seemed to affect Jimin since he loved in an apartment not too far from the university. the great thing about it all was that Jimin didn't have to share his place with anyone. and what was greater than that?


Jimin was wrong.

although, he didn't actually share his apartment with anyone that didn't stop his neighbor and childhood friend from popping in whenever he felt like it.


jimin eyed the auburn-haired male as he sat on the couch a small smile playing on his lips.

"jiminie, what took you so long? we've been waiting for you."


jimin looks behind his friend to see if anyone's there but he sees no one. thinking yoongi is just messing with him he shrugs.

"i'm going to take a shower. I would say make yourself at home but it seems you've already done that."

and with that jimin was off to his bedroom already stripping his clothes off before the door was even closed.

school had been quite dull today and he even skipped out on lunch so he hoped yoongi would do the honors of feeding him tonight.
as the water ran down his back releasing the tension in his muscles he closed his eyes relishing in the sensation.

it was nice the feeling. water running down your back in relaxing tendrils doing it's best to calm you down without even knowing why.

or the way it'd send a soothing spreading throughout his body like an ever-growing warmth.

yeah, jimin was pretty obsessed with taking showers well more like obsessed with the feeling of warm water.
when he stepped out of the shower he could faintly hear yoongi in the kitchen whistling.

Yes, he's cooking tonight.

with a slight pep in his step jimin grabbed a pair of black briefs and grey sweatpants slipping them on before joining yoongi.

though what he came in contact with instead was something he wasn't prepared for.

he was ethereal, to say the least. skin kissed by the sun himself with curly silver hair that looked soft to the touch. not to mention his baby pink lips although positioned in a thin line.

and when jimin caught the color of his eyes he thought for sure he'd just traveled to the moon and back.
grey eyes unlike any he'd ever seen though the look the held was an unsettling one.


both males turned to face the red-faced jimin who was thankful for the shirt he'd decided to put on at the last minute.
not to mention the fact his long bangs were doing well to hide his eyes.

"jiminie, come on we've been waiting for ages for you. i want you to meet taehyung."


the said male now had his full attention on jimin his telling nothing just like his expressionless features.

jimin, who was quite uncomfortable around strangers especially pretty ones in his home was currently shitting himself as he took a seat at the kitchen island.

"taehyung, meet jimin. jimin this is taehyung. i tried to introduce you both earlier but jimin was set on showering while taehyung was in the bathroom."

"um, it's nice to meet you taehyung."

"likewise jimin."

His voice is sinful.

"so, what brings you two here?", jimin asked looking at yoongi who had his back facing them both.
he was currently cooking what looked to be kimchi-jjigae but jimin wasn't too sure.

"well, i have a favor to ask of you. i was hoping you'd let taehyung room with you..."




well, that was a shitty beginning but the best I could come up with so pls don't beat me up. though i've got big plans for this book so bear with me.

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