cigar no.2

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"smoke away the days til the sky turns gray"

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"smoke away the days til the sky turns gray"


the smell of honey and smoke greeted jimin as he stepped through the door. the familiar smell wrapped jimin in a blanket of warmth creating an atmosphere he never knew he needed.

all the lights in the house were off but he knew the gray-haired male was out on the balcony.

the small tendrils of smoke gathering above his head like a halo. and the way the sun reflected off his skin made him glow though his eyes never held any light.


the said male turned to face jimin giving him a once over that jimin had failed to discern.

in the two weeks that he'd been here jimin found it hard to really have a conversation with him seeing as a cigarette was always occupying his pretty lips.


they both looked at each other for a moment. it was something that also occurred way more than jimin would like to admit.

jimin gave a small smile before turning towards his room, taehyung turning back towards the balcony.

whatever tension was between them jimin wanted it gone. because what's the point of having a roommate if they never talk to you?

upon entering his room Jimin sighed as flopped face-first onto his bed. he thought back to the night yoongi had asked for his help.

"i was hoping you'd let taehyung room with you?"

"with me?"

yoongi nodded a small smile playing on his lips.

"yeah, um taehyung is going through some recent complications with his family and i promised to help him-"

"and i'm that help?"

"yes, but not because you live alone. it's just hoseok is moving in and i don't know if..."


"never mind that. point is you owe me a favor you know. if i remember correctly it was you at jackson's party who was on top of his table with your n-"

"okay! say no more! he's free to stay for as long as needed."

jimin sighed. yoongi didn't really ask him for help but more like blackmailed him and in front of taehyung at that. though long story short, the other male had been there for over two weeks and they still had yet to hold a proper conversation. it didn't sit well jimin but at the same time, he was unsure of how to fix the problem at hand.

Should I try to have dinner with him? No, I can only cook ramen.

Maybe take him out? No, that sounds weird.

Ask him what's wrong? No, that's too personal.

Give him a hug? What the fuck Jimin?!


a knock at the door interrupted jimin's wild thoughts. he said a quiet 'come in' before rolling over on his back. and what he expected to be yoongi he was met by the very same man he'd been thinking about.

"hey um..."

he watched as taehyung scratched his head eyes looking everywhere but jimins face.

"is something wrong? do need me to call yoongi?"

taehyung shook his head his hair swaying back in forth in the most hypnotic way. his brown eyes (which jimin found out later on when he saw him take his contacts off) finally settling on jimins face.

"i-i just wanted to thank you. i know i haven't been really friendly even though you're letting me stay here...for free. it's just kind of hard when you don't know what to do with yourself."

and in that moment jimin is quite positive that it could only go up from here.
sure, he still doesn't know what actually happened to taehyung but he thinks it's okay for now. and before he can even stop himself he's already opening his mouth to speak.

"say, would you like to go to the convenience store with me?"

What the fuck am I doing? 

taehyung blinks once then twice before nodding his head. a small smile breaks out on his lips and jimin has to direct his eyes back up at the ceiling before he says something highly inappropriate.

both both throw a jacket over themselves before leaving the apartment. jimin with his wallet in his hand and taehyung with an unlit cigarette between his lips.

there's a soft silence between the two sneakers thumping softly against the sidewalk. not that there's anything wrong with the silence so to speak it's just jimin has never been good with handling silence and it seems neither is taehyung.

"so what do you study jimin? yoongi told me homework keeps you inside these days."

jimin chuckled remembering how yoongi used to beg him to go out when he first started college. a complete opposite of how the older was in Highschool though.

the older would hardly ever leave his bed.

"i major in psychology."

taehyung hummed in response letting the information sink in.
jimin was tempted to ask the other if he was in college but he held himself back.

he's never been one to ask many questions about one's life and it wasn't about to start now. instead he just relished in the moment. the way the wind blew taehyung's hair off his face exposing his forehead, the small leaves scattered about the sidewalk, or how they were walking in sync without even knowing it.

it was always the small things that jimin enjoyed. and that went for anyone who he spent time with.

as the convenience store came into view taehyung pulled out his lighter. it was small, its pale blue surface looking as smooth as ivory.

"you're not coming in?", asked jimin upon noticing the said male's actions.

"no, i didn't have anything i wanted to buy."

jimin nodded taking one last glance at taehyung's lips before entering the store. he grabbed several items not really paying attention to the majority as he slid them over the counter. the cashier raised his eyebrows at two of them but jimin had failed to notice.

saying a small thanks jimin exited the store. though the sight he was met with was one he had not been prepared for.

taehyung was leaning against the wall tendrils of smoke floating about him. his skin glowing under the setting sun. nimble fingers carding through his hair while his eyes looked lifeless as ever. pink lips wrapped tightly around the cigarette causing jimin to wonder if they were as soft as they looked.

taehyung's eye slid over to jimin finally acknowledging the other's presence. he knew he'd been staring but he didn't want to startle jimin. though as he peeked into the bag he couldn't help but smirk.

"you bought condoms?"


so, first i would like to apologize for taking so long to update. i was scheduled to update on Saturday but my mom got in my way. but updates will be every saturday or sunday! pls let me know what you thought of this cause im not feeling too confident about it lol

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