cigar no. 8

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"the mind is a tricky thing

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"the mind is a tricky thing."


when jimin woke up he didn't expect his sheets to be cleaned or find himself tucked into bed.
and he definitely wasn't prepared for the cereal bar and bottle of water placed on his nightstand.

recalling the events that had happened what he figured was just a few hours ago had his face beet red. not only had he crossed a line but he'd crossed many.

he and taehyung weren't even friends let at least not to his knowledge it was hard to figure out what went on in the other man's head.

sighing through his nose jimin got up making sure to eat his snack before leaving his room.
cautious as ever he tiptoed out to the hallway heart beating loudly. as he crept around the corner he caught sight of taehyung standing out on the balcony.

it was no surprise to see a cigarette dangling from his fingers. jimin had to take deep breaths in order to keep his mind from straying back to his...experience with taehyung. to be honest, he just wanted to admire him.

his silver hair looked illustrious beneath the setting sun. his golden skin appearing smooth as ever with shadows cast over him in the prettiest way possible.

the way he stood was relaxed leaning over the balcony rail just slightly. brown eyes glowed in the light and they almost looked alive in that moment.

and it was if jimin had an epiphany right then and there. a tingling sensation had spread throughout his body reaching all the way down to his toes.
it felt as if his lungs were on fire finding it hard to breathe yet not wanting to either. almost like someone had struck a chord within him given him the key to pandora's box.
somewhere in the back of his mind, he could hear warning bells, his past desperately trying to compare to the present. he wouldn't let it though.

no, his mind was moving a thousand miles per hour heart not too far from it. to say it didn't hurt a bit would be a lie. and once the sun had set and the moon had come out of hiding its light guiding jimin out onto the balcony.

when taehyung saw him approach he scooted over allowing jimin some room.

jimin didn't need it though. instead of voicing this however, he just stood beside taehyung watching the stars appear one by one each of them shining brighter than the last.

"how are you feeling?", asks taehyung eyes trained straight ahead.

"good. really good."

taehyung chuckled taking a long drag of his cigarette.

"why do you smoke?"

taehyung raised an eyebrow looking over at jimin curiously.

most people would always comment on how smoking was bad for you but none of them ever asked why you did it.

"same reason you moan."

this time jimin chuckled.

"because you can't help it?"


sure, both of them knew that wasn't the real reason why taehyung did it. though jimin knew it wasn't his place to point that out.

"taehyung, i'd like to write about you."

smoke filled the air and silence along with it. the possibility that jimin had said something wrong was horrible feeling beginning to form in his gut but it didn't get far not when taehyung answered saying,

"what about me?"

"the way you think. and i only ask this because i don't know what you're thinking half the time. i know people say you can't read mind and maybe that's true but it's not hard to take a guess. though with you i don't know where to start. you're unpredictable, there's no telling what you'll do or say next. and your eyes they never give you away which makes it all the more interesting in my opinion but it's up to you. i have to write a paper about the philosophy of someone i know by the way which is partially why i'm asking this."

"why me though?"

"why not you? i know all the people who are apart of my life but you...i don't know you and you're apart of my life now."

Wow, that just sounded like a confession. Real smooth Jimin.

silence had settled in between the two. taehyung had long since put out his cigarette leaving a smokey smell in the air. a small breeze blew ruffling both of their hairs.

"what if i turn out to be dull? what then?"

"i doubt that'll ever happen."

a small smile had made its way unto taehyung's lips just the corners of his mouth upturned but a smile nonetheless. it caught jimin off guard, to say the least.

"okay, i'll do it. you can write about me."

jimin released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. he really wasn't sure on how what to say next. yes, he was happy but saying thank you didn't fit in a moment such as this.

then again it was hard to say what could've actually fit. they were just two guys who didn't know much about the other but eager to.

each of them holding their secrets close to their hearts afraid that if they let go they'd fall apart.

if only they could see how the universe had blessed and the moon would watch over them at night or hear the stars sing their names in perfect harmony.
oh, how destiny was smiling at the future and the present eager to tell what was to come.

though maybe just maybe they didn't need all those things. wouldn't require much help. after all, how things progressed was entirely up to them.

"so, what about your condition? will you be okay for now?"

jimin bit his lip. he'd hoped taehyung wouldn't bring the topic up.



"to be honest i'm not sure what's going to happen next. it's like a fever one moment i'm cold the next i'm hot."

"well, if you're fine with it i don't mind being your doctor."

jimin felt the air get knocked out of his lungs only for his brain to force him to reel all back in.

that was the last thing he was expecting taehyung to say. then again he was beginning to see that it was hard to even know what to expect.

"i'll let you know the next time i'm feeling hot."

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