cigar no. 15

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"like ashes he fell and like embers i still burn

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"like ashes he fell and like embers i still burn."


Jungkook wasn't like Jimin. He wasn't small and fluffy but more on the lean side and much taller. Taehyung met him right after he'd been kicked out of his parents' house.
And you're probably thinking wasn't that just a few months ago?

No. It happened at least two years ago. The author may or may not have lied in one of the chapters but who cares right?

Taehyung was well in love with Jungkook. A pretty boy with a bunny tooth smile, a laugh that could warm your heart, and voice so delicate it was unfair.
Jungkook was a million things and more.

There were hardly any problems between the two and it was like a dream. Yes, that's the best way to describe their relationship.  It was a dream. So lucid that anything felt possible.
Sometimes love becomes so blinding that you neglect to notice the reality surrounding you.

You ignore the cigarettes lodged between the bunny tooth boy's lips because he always looked pretty. You fail to see the pained expressions cause you're too busy laughing at his seldom jokes. Couldn't even take note of the numerous doctor visits because they were just 'checkups'.

You only to begin to notice once the light has started to fade and a gray film takes over the skin. When he's too tired to go out or the bloodstains left in his napkin from the violent coughing.

Only when his voice is constantly hoarse and you struggle to understand his words do you see. Having to drive him back and forth everywhere is when you finally understand.

But that's not what gets you. That's not what rips your heart out and puts it back in upside down. It isn't what has you crying until your throat burns.

No, it's when he's lying in a hospital bed breathing through a tube. Body looking frail robbed of the glow it once held. Eyes dim even though they're desperate for a flicker. It's when the hospital tells you he won't get a donor in time. It's the three weeks you spend in the hospital until he says

"I'm dying, just a little faster than others it seems."

That's what puts the gun to your head and pulls the trigger. It's what leaves you knocked cold but that's not the worse part of it all.

It's watching the heart monitor slowing stop beating. An image of a flatline engraved into your memory forever.


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