cigar no. 6

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"no need to ask me

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"no need to ask me."

jimin stares at his laptop screen mind blank. his professor recently asked that they write a small summary about the person they've chosen but he hasn't chosen anyone.

not to mention the fact that he hadn't got a good night's rest in about a week. his hormones are raging causing him to throw himself into a cycle of insanity and disdain.

see, jimin has a condition one that's very unusual and hard to explain if someone were to ask him about it.

like everyone else jimin possessed hormones but unlike most people his were very off kilter.
meaning instead of his face breaking out or the increase in metabolism his body would crave sex.

it's crazy and jimin doesn't get it. doesn't want it but he's stuck with it. the only reason he refuses to get medical attention is because there are some questions he won't answer. doesn't really think he'll be able to anyways.

so, here he is stuck in his room, an open word document blank, his coffee  cold, and a headache. let's not forget the raging boner he's trying so hard to ignore.

jimin let's out a sigh. he really wishes his body weren't like this. wishes he didn't have haunting memories in the back of his mind. wishes he could go back in time to change it all.

though those are just wishes and he doesn't have a star to cast them upon.

sure, he's got yoongi but he's never wanted to burden the older. the only reason he found out in the first place because of that time he'd caught jimin crying in a corner.

he told him what was wrong but didn't tell him what caused it. everything isn't what it seems to be. people aren't as nice as they portray. but that's a story for another time, a different place.

three small knocks shake jimin from his condescending thoughts. for a moment jimin panics thinking yoongi is at the door but then taehyung crosses him mind and he relaxes.

"come in."

silver hair is the first thing jimin sees when the door opens. soft with pretty curls in it. jimin would be lying if he said he didn't want to run his fingers through it.

the next thing were those brown eyes. almost like a black hole with the way jimin could get lost in them without even knowing. however, the empty look they held was often discomforting.

mesmerizing pink lips is what really captured his attention though. they always did though now was not the time.


slowly, jimin raises his gaze to meet taehyung's suddenly anxious about what he might say.

"um...can I come in?"

jimin blinks once, then twice, and maybe even a third time.

he briefly wonders why taehyung would ask such a thing before motioning him inside.
after all, jimin did tell him to 'come in'.

"what's up? do you need something taehyung? are we out of milk again? is-"

"Jimin. stop."

jimin opened his mouth but closed it right after. he took a deep breath.

"turn around for me please."

every since Taehyung had entered the room jimin had yet to turn from his desk to face him. though Jimin wasn't sure that was a good idea with what was going on down below.

even still he turned around making sure his shirt was pulled down further enough to cover his 'problem'.

"Yoongi told about your...condition."

from there it seemed the world had stopped and time had come to an end. all color drained from jimins face giving his skin a ghostly complexion.

his heartbeat had sped up quite a bit and he was sure his breathing wasn't supposed to sound like that. the nausea felt in his stomach was beginning to rise while his eyes were on the brink of tears.

"a-are you u-upset with m-me?"

jimin couldn't stop the stray tears that began to fall down his face. all of which sent taehyung into a panic.

"Jiminie, no I'm not mad. Why would I be mad at you? I just wanted to see if you were okay? Don't cry!"

it was too late though. pretty clear crystals had already begun to fall from his eyes, nose turning red in the process.
taehyung's heart felt like the shattering of class as he made his way over to jimin. with great caution he wrapped his arms around him pulling him from the desk chair and into his bed.

"hey, it's okay. "

jimin only whimpered in response. he wrapped his arms around taehyung maneuvering his body until he was seated in taehyung's lap.
it didn't stop him from crying though no, he just kept going.

"i-im sorry about this. i wish could make it go away but i can't. "

taehyung pulled the smaller closer the smell of vanilla clouding his nostrils.

the words yoongi had said at the cafe rang in his head but he didn't want to do that to jimin. he didn't want to hurt him but he didn't like seeing him like this neither.

"Jiminie, do you want me to help you?"

"help me?"

taehyung nodded his hands taking place on jimin's waist, grip light but to jimin it felt heavy.

Taehyung wants to help me?

No, he's just feeling sorry for you.

But what if...


jimin looked up his eyes were puffy and nose a flush pink. his arms were still wrapped around taehyung's neck , body extremely close to his.

"there's nothing wrong with feeling like this jimin. it's perfectly normal."


"do you want me to help you?"

"only if you want to."


hey, I updated. yeah this took a while and I left y'all on a cliffhanger but I was feeling a bit sad so I thought I should at least do this.

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