She tried harder

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"Shit." I thought.
I heard the heart monitor beeping a slow steady throb in time with my gods damned heart. Still beating. Why? Because they found me. They found me and I wasn't finished. About to make the final cut- the one to end me. I wanted out but they've destroyed that dream. They've destroyed them all.

A loud knock at the door of the hospital room woke me from my depressing thoughts.
"Come in," I muttered, not really caring whether they did or not. The door opened revealing... her. No. No. Gods damn it. I do not want to deal with her or her pity now. I can't take it.
The girl in question was Amalia DiAngica; my long time crush who had rejected me, setting this ball of events rolling.
Dealing with things was never my strong point. Socially in-adept and quite asocial I was better at pretending I was ok and venting by myself. I hated to 'talk it out' though everyone said that was good for you.
"..ello?" Said Ama, suddenly appearing by the side of my bed. I must have zoned again. She tilted my chin up to look at her. I growled, glaring viciously at her as I ripped my face away from her soft grip. She came again this time brushing against the twin bandages on either side of face just along my cheek bones. I'd cut there too. Just in case this happened, as a permanent reminder to myself and all those whoever saw me that I was dangerous.
This was the third... no fourth time is ended up in hospital for something like this. My parents never es did anything, the only acknowledgement they ever gave was in the form of dirty looks and disappointed glances. They never did care.
I had zoned out again, staring blankly at the covers of the uncomfortable bed as Ama stroked my cheek. Realising I was leaning into her touch I snarled pushing her arm away.
"Don't touch me.... homophobic brat!" I fumed, my heart breaking as I said the words. I'd never get over her, would I?
"No. It's not like that." She said. What? Had I heard her wrong. "I'm not a homophobe and I don't hate you."
"Liar!!!" I screamed pushing her away and trying my best to disconnect the IV attached to my arm. Pulling it free I groaned a little. Needles hurt.
I needed to get out of here. I couldn't deal with Ama right now. What could I do?

Hey everyone! No one will read this probably but I just wanted to say not all of this is accurate and sorry for any trigger warnings in here.. xx
All feedback is well don't really care if u tell me I'm crap cause I know it!  Bye..


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