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I couldn't find my art bag. That was a problem. Dinner had finished a while ago, we were watching some program about a team of paladins? It was cool, but I wanted to draw the characters.
"Ama," I whispered, slightly startling her. "I need my art bag. Do you know where it is?"
"Oh... um mum brought it into the kitchen before we came in you were sleeping. I'll get it!"
I thanked her quietly, smiling slightly. After a moment she came back with my bag. It was a small, black leather bag only big enough to fit an A4 booklet and the other bits and pieces I had in there like paints, pens, pencils, inks etc.
I hadn't drawn in a while, not for months before it. I had missed it so much.
I pulled out the thick booklet, it had about 200 pages. It had been pretty expensive. I'd had to save for a year to get it and my inks. I loved drawing with my inks. I only had the primary colours though. I was working towards getting more. That's why I needed the $20. 5 dollars more and I could buy the 3 inks I'd wanted. I set the pots, palette, pens and brushes down getting up to ask for a cup of water and some paper towel for the table. I spent the night sketching and inking my designs. In my eyes they were beautiful. I loved them. I sat back to watch the rest of the program, grabbing a pen. I began to draw on my arms and my hands, I loved to doodle. I drew a few lighting bolts- I liked Harry Potter, it was a good series. I wasn't obsessed like some of the kids in my class were. They were fanatics!!!
I shuffled closer to Ama, grabbing some of the blanket and pulling it over my legs. Some of the bandages on my arms.... face and legs had been dyed by the inks. I began to laugh. I hadn't laughed in a while. It felt good. Just then hands grabbed me from behind pulling me backward. I found myself next to Ama her arms wrapped around my rib cage carefully avoiding my bandages.
"Why are you laughing?" She asked.
"Can't I just laugh with no reason?"
Uhhh... this is you we're talking about so no, no you can't. Explain yourself."
"Uuuggghhh. Someone's pushy! But anyway, I got ink all over my bandages."
I reached over to show her. She touched some of the doodles on my hands. Suddenly she grabbed her hand back as though she had been stung.
"Ow! Static charge!! What the heck did you touch to pick up so much!?!" She screeched.
I pulled my hand back into my lap and shrugged. I didn't know. I lay back down next to her, a smile on my face.
"Be annoying and I'll shock you." I said, raising my eyebrows. She stuck her tongue out at me and returned her gaze back to the TV. Eventually she and I fell asleep like that, forgetting completely about school the next day, boundaries and the promise she had made earlier- to explain.

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