Going "home"?

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I caught sight of her parents. They were standing at the reception desk, signing some form probably to allow me to leave. I definitely shouldn't have pulled the IV from my arm. I was going to get a good telling off. Being myself, I was very nervous, my anxiety getting the better of me. I didn't want to make a bad impression on Ama's parents. I didn't want to admit it but... I wanted them to like me.

Slowly we approached Ama's parents. I didn't have a limp but the cuts all over my legs and my stomach burned as I walked. I couldn't show it on my face of course. I had to do as I had been taught. Keep a straight face and bear the pain.

"Mother, Father!" called Ama. They turned their heads to face us, a smile lighting up their faces. "I found her!"

"Good job Amalia," said Ama's mother, her father throwing the keys. "You can go to the car. We have some papers to sign first. She was put in our care only 2 days ago so we still have more to do. We will see you there in about 15 minutes." Ama and I smiled and left through the front door where Ama hooked her arm through mine and grabbed my waist. I knew a blush was creeping up my face; I could feel it so i turned my face away from her. She had known I was struggling... how? Maybe I just needed to hide it better.

We strode through numerous corridors searching for the elevator. This place was a maze, I was lost already!! Eventually, we found the elevator. Ama pressed the button and we waited for it to come to our level. The silence had been thick but it was worse now. The elevator arrived and we hopped inside. I couldn't stand it anymore. I actually tried to initiate a conversation.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"Only about 1/2 an hour from here. We live in a small... technically 2 storey house, so you and I will actually have to share the attic room at the back of the house. It has a skylight to let in some natural light and we can look at the stars from the double bed a night."

"Wait, wait, hold up a second. We are.... sharing?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yeeeaaaah. There is no other space in the house. Is that a problem?" She said looking slightly confused as if this was no big deal.
"Oh..ok. I mean, yeah its fine." I said. The elevator stopped as we reached the car park floor. We stepped outside the elevator into the cold winter air. The bandaged cuts on my face stung my nose becoming quite red. Ama hugged me tighter her fingers tightening around my waist. They dug into more of my cuts, making me yelp in pain.

"Oh my gods," she fretted "I am so sorry... I didn't mean it. Please forgive me!!" 

"Its fine," I mumbled shifting her hand up higher so it did not sit on the cuts. We made our way over to the car, Ama opening the back door to help me in. We slid in together, silence enveloping us. She turned on the radio, and for a while we were content, listening to BLACKPINK, red velvet, Panic! At The Disco, BTS, and Paramore. Then the questions started.

"So.... why di-"

"I do not want to talk about that."


"No. NO. That is final. It brings back too many bad memories. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT IT!" 

I had shouted. Oh no. This was not going to go well. I needed to calm down. Suddenly I felt a pressure on my shoulder and arms around me. She was... hugging me?

"It's ok. You don't have to talk about it. You can tell me when you're comfortable, I won't push you to do what you're not comfortable. We've only just left the hospital and the wounds are too fresh... literally... Wow, I sound like a philosopher now... ignore me. Lets just get you home... well to mine and we can have some hot chocolate and watch a movie after dinner."

I smiled, thanking the gods for her. Now to survive the car journey home.

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