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We woke tangled up together the next day. We got to school very early, deciding to catch the early bus. We had decided to keep our relationship from everyone else just in case we got any hate for it. I really wanted to tell but was so nervous about what everyone would think. What is this, me, Mikara, afraid of what people think? The world is going up in flames!
As soon as we got to school we dropped our stuff off at our lockers and made our way to the library. Just then, we saw some members of The Group round the corner, oh gods. Could I just pass it off as stomping too hard and messing up the floorboards? As soon as they saw us they glared and sped up. Attempting to corner us again. Lotra was at the front of the group, lips pulled back in a snarl.
"You!" She seethed "What the f****** hell was that yesterday!? FREAK!! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU ARE JUST A USELESS LITTLE LOSER. DUMB DEPRESSED LITTLE GIRL!" She had screamed the last part in my face.
I wasn't going to put up with their shit. I was fuming but that wasn't going to get me anywhere. I raised my right eyebrow plastering a smirk on my face to feign nonchalance. I cocked my hip and leaned closer to her.
"Whatever you need to tell yourself to help you sleep, darling. To be honest I don't care what you think. I'm crazy as holy hell and you know, you're just uncomfortable because I'm different. I'm freaky I get that; I'm literally gothic for the sake of the gods! I'm not useless however and certainly not dumb. I just want to let you know but I am actually very intelligent- that's mostly due to the insane number of books I read as a child, I actually had nothing better to do! Oh and please leave me and Amalia here alone. Thank you, now, goodbye."
I smiled savagely at them, grabbing Ama's hand and stalking away from them.
"1- Ok thanks. 2- Where'd the confidence come from? 3- I have a very big urge to kiss you and the moment so let go of my hand, please. Oh and 4- good job!!"
"Thanks, Ama. I don't know where the confidence came from and no. We need to get away." Suddenly I spotted an open supply closet under the stairs and dragged Ama inside making sure no one had seen us. I shut the door quietly and kissed Ama. It was sweet and grateful. We broke it to wrap our arms around each other. After a minute we checked outside and left. The day went without any more hiccups.

By the time we got home we were thoroughly exhausted, I was worried out of my mind that someone might report me to the police. I was an anomaly, someone everyone else would gladly get rid of. I couldn't let Ama get dragged into this though. I'd have to hold on until the weekend end and learn how to control it then. I needed to stop drawing on myself. I might spread up my arms and over the rest of my body. I'd have to be careful. Ama and I got to work, ugh, we'd gotten 3 assessment notes today. (A/N- anyone else had that before?) I couldn't wait to get started. But first Ama and I really needed to get a hold of ourselves and categorize our relationship. We couldn't tell her parents- I'm pretty sure that wouldn't go down well. Oh well- it'll be dealt with sooner or later. Now to talk to Ama, I wonder how this will go?

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