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Ama shook me awake. We had gotten back to the house. I was so tired and just wanted to stay where I was. It was so cold outside

"Nooooo..." I whined. "Comfy!"

Ama chuckled, undoing my seat belt and hoisting me over her shoulder.

"Oi!" I screeched, fully awake now. "That hurts like hell! Put me down now!"

"Oops," she said smirking, not caring at all. She wrapped my arms around her neck hoisting me up on her back.
"Someone's decided to be a big baby tonight." Said Ama, her eyebrows raised above her hairline.
"I'm mushy when I'm tired!!" I whined, laying my head on her shoulder. We walked inside.. well, Ama walked inside with me on her back. She set me down just inside the door where we took off our shoes. The floor was cold, really cold. I shivered and Ama led me into the dining room where Aunty was busy setting the table. Being the polite people we were, we took the cutlery and plates from her and set it ourselves. Aunty and Ama's dad came out of the kitchen crying the dinner plates.
"So... Mikara, was your name? It said on the sheet that you go to school with Amalia. said Mr. DiAngica
"Y-yeah I do," I said nervously, biting my lip and pinching my leg.

"We had to contact to school to explain the current situation. You and Ama are in the same classes for most things except for Technology and Physical Education. Ama has been moved to your class for those subjects. They wanted you to establish a support network within the class. They have said that you are quite asocial, so we hope that Amalia can help with that. We all want to help." he said kindly placing his hand on top of my other one lying on the table.

I nodded, smiling wanly. I had almost finished my food and was impatient to leave the table when I felt Ama's thin fingers on my hand beneath the table. She took my hand away, preventing me from pinching it any more. I felt her hand curl around my own and I glanced up. She was smiling slightly, as though she enjoyed the contact? 

We finished quickly and Ama asked for us to be excused from the table. I was no longer tired for some reason, maybe the food had perked me up a bit. Ama had suggested earlier that we watch a movie which I was perfectly happy to do. She could explain what she had meant in the hospital later. I was impatient to find out but, it could wait. The movie would be fun.

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