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"So.... how are we going to fix this?" Ama asked. We were holed up in her room trying to think of anyway out of this mess. I'd promised not to draw myself, or at least to try and that we'd pass it off as a fluke. As we lay down to sleep, staring up at dark expanse of black above, all I could think about was how much worse it could get. I still didn't know whether or not it was contagious so I'd have to draw something on Ama later, to check.
It was the next morning, and I'd drawn the lightning bolt on my shoulder this time. I was praying it wouldn't work. We'd had a little bit of time before the bus came so we'd decided to test our theory. Carefully I reached over to Ama, when I felt the snap of static electricity. I screeched snatching my hand back and rubbing the lightning bolt from my arm. Damn it. This was not going well. Ama and I stared at each other. I glanced at the clock realising it was time to go. Biting my lip I grabbed my bag and headed toward the door. I'd just have to survive today.

The first two classes went quite well except for the fact that I zapped a total of 9 people with the left over charge. I was not going to experiment with electricity again- that was a recipe for gods damn disaster. Everything else was going fine until Ama and I were called to the school office. All I could think was that we'd been found out. I was going to be sent to a mental hospital. I wasn't crazy. I had to keep telling myself that. When we arrived and sent into the office, I began to panic. My breathing sped up and my hands began to shake. Ama noticed and pulled me closer; for that I was grateful. We were walked into the office and told to sit in the chairs. The principal looked over us carefully, a lion stalking its prey. She was tall, skinny and quite severe in her appearance though she seemed to be only about 30 years old, very unusual.
"Good afternoon...Mikara and Amalia. Now, down to business. I was notified by a rather large group of students that something strange had occurred. That you were the source of the problem. Could you please explained to me what happened." I glanced at Ama begged her to talk, knowing that at the current moment I could not create coherent sentences. She nodded and proceeded to explain what happened, passing off my telekinesis as faulty floorboards. The principal looked thoughtfully at us then proceeded to blow our mind with her next sentence.
"Ok. So then, I can now confirm that you Mika are a Manipulator and have passed that onto Ama. Clearly you have a very strong relationship so you both share the same biological advancement. In other words you are now both "freaks". But do not worry, there's a community I can recommend to help you. If you want we can organise private sessions here at school before after school?"
I was reeling. Way too much information was moving at 100 million miles an hours inside my brain. I looked over at Ama, sorrow and regret written all over my face. She smiled and dragged me over to sit in her lap. She held me tight while I stroked her hair. I hadn't meant for this to happen. I'd ruined Ama's life too.
The principal proceeded to explain that drawing on my body was not the only way the power would manifest so I'd have to get started ASAP if I wanted to keep it all under control. The sessions would be intensive and sometimes uncomfortable as Ama and would have to further establish our connection in weird ways like reading the others mind. That would be strange. But, at the moment we just needed to figure out where to from here.

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