The Lesson

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Our teacher for the Manipulator classes was weird. Like really, weird. His eyes were that of an ancient being, but in appearance he seemed to be my own age. He introduced himself as Tom Antrous, an unusual name if you ask me. Tom was tall, dark haired and skinny, the kind of guy I'd find hot if I wasn't gay. I just hope Ama didn't drop me for him; she was pan.
The lesson was awkward at first, but eventually became more relaxed. We were going to start with the not so basics which I was kind of pissed about. The were just gonna shove us in the deep end then. Tom started with an introduction, telling us about himself and how the lessons would work. He was a Foreseer meaning he could see snippets of the future and the past. That creeped me out. Oh great, I'd zoned out during the intro. I'd have no idea what to do but oh well, we'd heard this speech too many times.
"Ok. So, for our first few lessons we will be focusing on connecting your mind to help stabilise your power and create a stronger bond between you. This is a delicate activity and will take a few lessons to master."
We set up and began the activity. Teachers always over estimate on time. We'd get this by the end of this lesson. Ama and I followed his instructions, the movements, the words. We touched our foreheads together and I felt it. The thread connecting our hearts and minds. I pulled on it, reaching the wall protecting Ama's mind and knocked. She pulled down the wall and her thoughts flooded into my space. It was really strange knowing the others deep thoughts and feelings. Right now I really wanted to kiss her and I could hear her chuckle as the thought ran through my mind. That was awkward. I opened my eyes and looked at Ama. She opened her eyes and looked back.
I want to kiss you. I thought.
Well why don't you? She replied.
Wouldn't it b-
Before I could finish the thought she'd grabbed me, enveloping me in her arms and pushing her lips against mine. I knew that I loved her but this, whatever it was, had made our bond a thousand times stronger.
Suddenly I realised something. The teacher was in the room. I broke away from Ama quickly glancing around to find the teacher. Gods this was awkward. A blush spread up my cheeks as I grabbed Ama's hand. The teacher looked partly amused and partly astounded at our progress.
"Clearly you two have a very strong bond and are very strong people. It's strange you advanced this far so quickly. But anyways, we have time for one more activity before you lot have to get to your classes. Ready?"
The next activity we did was nice. Not. We had do meditation; yuck. Being who I am, I cannot sit still for the sake of my life, which is a strength but also a weakness when it comes it things like meditation. I survived though! Yay! Ama was good at it though, which I was happy about, although she kept giving me tips through the telepathy, but would shush me when I tried to start a conversation. This was going to be very useful during class. I couldn't wait to try it out next period.

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