Not Quite A Typical Day

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I woke up feeling something on my neck. I groaned- everything hurt. Stretching I realized where I was. Slowly I peeled my eyes open confirming my suspicions; I was lying directly on top of Ama. This was bad. I heard a muffled groan and then a giggle from behind me. I glanced around, eyes blown wide. SHIT! Ama had been awake. I jumped from the couch, backing away slowly. My heel caught the edge of the table and went sprawling, this morning was off to a great start! Ama peeled herself from the couch, chuckling as she strolled over.

"Piggyback?" She asked.

"Whatever..." I mumbled completely embarrassed. Ama bent over and scooped me up swinging me around to her back. It was very strange. I was taller than her yet she could carry me. She must have been very strong. I mean I was super light because I never ate much, but still, it was nice. She cared about me, at least as a classmate. Maybe later I could try giving her one later. That would be hilarious.

We had changed quickly, blushes spreading over our faces as we turned our backs. I was wearing the same pair of black jeans a pretty black short top, my boots and a dark grey hoodie with another K-pop pin. My books were all in my locker at school so I could just bring my bag and maybe an apple and something else to eat; I really didn't want to ask for food.

Ama led me downstairs where I packed my bag and she gave me 2 apples, a sandwich, and a few other things. Suddenly I realized I didn't know where my phone and my iPad were. I began to freak out. If I had lost them I would be in it deep! I searched around frantically, checking my bag and pockets. It was nowhere. Ama poked her head around the kitchen door looking at me questioningly.

"I can find them!!" I panicked running my hands through my mussed up bob. "My phone- Ipad- LOST!!!! HELP" I blubbered eyes wide and panicked.

"Calm it, psycho! My dad found them and put them to charge on the counter. They didn't look at anything its ok. By the way, they left at 5 am this morning for work. They won't be back till late so we have the house ourselves for now. We have to leave for school in 10 so eat now. I'll brush your hair if you want in a minute. Could I ask you to do my plait?"

I agreed and hurried to eat the slice of toast she'd left on the counter for me. Her hair was so soft when I brushed it. It was so long so I plaited it as quickly as I could. We finished up and I was pulled out of the house. We arrived at the bus stop just in time to catch the bus. First, we had science and PDH so they were more than a little awkward, especially now that Ama's been moved next to me. I've gotten so many awful looks from the rest of the class. I always knew they didn't like me but that just proved it. I sat with Ama and her friends for the first break which was slightly awkward. I drew for most of the time- I had a bit less than a fifth of my book left so in about two weeks or so I'd need a new one. The next classes were just the same as the first two maybe just slightly less hostility. Lunch was where it all when it all went downhill.

We'd all just finished our food and we were going to head to the library because Ama, one her friends; Rochelle and I wanted to borrow some books. I'd forgotten my drawing book up in my locker but I'd had some pens. I had drawn some random doodles on my hands. My favourites were a set of weird shapes I'd drawn in blue on my palms. They kind of reminded me of some of the Blues in the darkest minds. It had that kind feel about it. We had gotten up and the rest of the group had gone ahead, but Ama had stayed with me. Suddenly I saw The Group approaching us. The Group refers to a bunch of rude, dumb popular kids. There are about 10 or 15 of them and you do not want to be bullied by them. You'll come out with too many bruises to count and maybe even a hospital trip. I know too many kids who've had really bad experiences with them. And now they were advancing on me.

"Hey, freak!" They called. I stopped, turning slowly and sending a death glare their way. I bared my teeth, grabbing the sharper ink pen I was carrying in my pocket.

"Oooh... I'm so scared." cried the one at the front. Her name was Lotra and she was one hell of a mean bitch. "Get out of our school freak! No-one likes you, you're just the embodiment of the devil. You listen to stupid music, your drawings are crap and you have no friends. You're just one hell of a bad mistake!!" She screeched at me. By now I was fuming; no insults my art or calls me a mistake. Ama appeared to fuming too, for some reason. I knew losing it would give them what they wanted- a scene. I growled quietly.
"I do not care what you think. Your opinion does not affect my own. It just proves one thing- your jealous that I am my own person and more self-confidence than all of you combined." I said. It was all bluster and to honest I had less confidence that any one of them. They glanced at each other then smirked. Oh god, this wasn't going end well. Damn it, Ama'd get hurt; I'd have to try to get her away. I could defend myself pretty well, I'd been learning to defend myself against my parents and in case anything else happened. I knew I couldn't defend myself against these guys. At that moment they began to advance toward us. I grabbed AMA's hand and dragged her with me.
"Ooooh GAAAAYYYY!!" They called laughing at us as they came. We were cornered. They'd backed us into end of the corridor. The first came at Ama.
"Stop!" I shouted. I threw my arm out in front of Ama my palm facing outward. The all froze then in what seemed to be slow motion flew backward landing on their feet then stumbling backward. They looked at me, fear written all over their faces. I grabbed Ama's hand and pulled her through the gap in the group. We ran through the hallway still shell shocked. What the hell had happened?

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