Where'll I go?

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Ama grabbed me, eyes narrowed as she pushed me against the wall. I was surprised; she had never seemed violent before.
"You are not going anywhere. We are going to talk this out because I AM NOT LETTING YOU HURT YOURSELF!" She said, screaming the last part.
"Why?" I mumbled. "Why the fucking hell do you care?"
"Mika...I..I... I've, fuck it!! I've seen the bruises, the cuts the pain your parents cause... and I, want to help. I've told my parents and they've notified authorities. You're going to be put in a foster home."
My mind was reeling, my world turned downside. What the hell was she thinking? I couldn't move. I had trust issues, depression, severe anxiety and so much more. The new family wouldn't be able to deal with it. I'd be kicked out and be constantly moving from house to house. I'd have to... talk, about it.

"...and I was thinking," Ama whispered. I had zoned out yet again lost in my own thoughts. It always seemed to happen. It was really annoying. There I go zoning again.
"... would that be ok?"
"I wasn't listening." I stated bluntly. "Can you say it all again? Sorry."
"I was thinking, I don't know, I suggested it to my parents... that maybe you could live with... us?"
I stared at her wide eyed, needing a moment to adjust and think about it. It would be awkward but Ama knew me. It would be... fine. I swirled the phrase around in my head. It was not one I was used to using.

"O..0k." I whispered back, my head bowed and my hands wringing nervously. Without warning Ama grabbed my hands and pulled the bandaged parts of my arms close to her face. I felt her warm breath on my fingers sending shivers up my spine.
"You can't keep doing this Mika." She said pain flashing over her face for a second making me wonder had I seen it all.
"Do you care?" I asked curiosity lacing my words.
"Of course Mika. I didn't mean to hurt you but I can explain. My parents are discharging you at the moment as your new guardians. Sorry you didn't really have a choice whether o.... aahhummagh!!" I had shoved my hand over mouth not wanting to hear a full lecture at the moment.
"Let me finish!" She stated indignantly. "I can explain my actions from earlier tonight in my room. I just don't want to make a scene or to let my parents know." Hope flared in my chest. Was she... confessing?
Shaking my head in confusion, I squirmed my way from Ama's grip. I was not going to get into a tizzy about this.
Noticing my struggle with extracting myself from her grip, Ama backed away keeping my hands within her grip.
"You need to change." She stated bluntly... a blush spreading on her cheeks? "I'll wait outside. Oh by the way your other clothes were ruined so I've given you some of my own. I hope they fit!" She called as she opened the door and hurried out.
Just then I noticed the bundle of clothes on the bed. There was a jumper, 2 t-shirts, runners, underwear and jeans. This was going to be very awkward, but thank the gods they were black and somewhat matched my usual style. I had a quick look around the room for my combat boots and my bag with my art stuff. I had been wearing my boots with my bag next to me when... it happened. I spotted them under the bed and stretched my stiff arms trying to get them. I had definitely opened a few of the cuts. Suddenly, a series of questions came to me. How long had I been out? Where were my parents? I only had 2 sets of clothes and $20 so what was I going to do clothes? I couldn't keep borrowing Ama's. I would ask when I got outside. I undid the laces on the boots and slipped them on along with sweater. My hair felt awful. I had a bob with a set of highlights. Pity the jumper wasn't a hooded sweater.
Slipping outside bag in my back, I glanced around, looking for Ama. Catching sight of her I hurried over, just noticing how tall she was. I was 5'9 so tall for a 15 year old, or at least compared to my class mates. Ama was about 5'8 a little shorter than me but still quite tall. She was beautiful. Black hair like my own but down to her waist. Her eyes were a dark green, mine an amethyst colour. I had always like her caramel coloured skin. Mine was too pale. That I hated. Her nimble fingers were at the moment moving quickly over keyboard of her phone. I tapped her shoulder frightening her slightly.
"Sorry to be a pain but could we go? I hate it here..." I said. Smiling, she grabbed my hand and led me toward the hospital door.

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