Another quiznaking lesson

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A/N- Ok guys I know that some people are still really confused. I'll try to explain again in this chapter how the Manipulation works. If this still doesn't work I'll write a backstory or something. Sorry. I know I'm a bad writer but I'm trying!
I'd annoyed Ama all day with the telepathy. In maths, science, religion. It was hilarious! I'd also said a few things to make her squirm and become a blushing mess. We were now at another after school lesson for the Manipulation. Ama and I were still struggling to understand how actually happened, a query we voiced to Tom.
"It is a simple concept really." He said. " The power Feeds off emotion specifically a shared bond of love between people. Your case is exceptional, in that before Mika's attempted suicide no-one had ever loved her back. Not truly. Her parents had always hated her and she never had any friends so there was never a shared bond of love in her life. With other Manipulators, they have a bond with their parents meaning it appears as soon as they are born, and since their parents are Manipulators they become one too because their parent is already one and they have that bond. Your parents are not Manipulators which also makes this strange. Are you sure you are not adopted."
"Positive," I state firmly. I was starting to doubt it though. I mean my parents hated me, maybe it was because I was a responsibility shoved into them or maybe my mother had had an affair. Something wasn't right about it. I'd have to get answers. But first to train.
I'm that session Ama and I progressed exceptionally fast. We acquired the skills of telekinesis, teleportation, invisibility, object manipulation, fire starting and soooooo much more. Ama was better with the telepathy than me but I was better at most of the other stuff. We tried lighting stuff on fire too. That was eventful. To be honest I almost burned the building down.

By the time we got home, we were so tired. We had an assessment due next week but were so exhausted we decided to leave everything for tonight. My brain was like mush, I couldn't think straight. Dropping my bag outside Ama's bedroom I dropped onto the bed groaning at how soft it was. I threw off my clothes and pulled on some PJ's, climbing slowly into the bed. It was too hot to get under the covers so I just curled up on top. After a minute or so I felt Ama fall down onto the bed next to me. She smelled really nice, she must have had a quick shower. I wrapped my arms around her placing my head in the crook of her neck.

"Hey, that tickles silly!" she whispered. I hoped we'd locked the door. Her parents didn't know we were together and probably wouldn't approve of me living with them if they knew. For all, I knew they could be homophobic. But anyways, we were still progressing with Manipulation, it was so tiring but I was relieved to be learning to control it. We'd tried drawing lightning bolts on our arms it the class and I'd managed to stop it from zapping anyone. I was so tired I could probably fall asleep in the next few minutes.
"Good Night." I whispered pulling Ama as close as possible and closing my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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