Melt down and an Explanation

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(Trigger warning. Suicidal thoughts and attempt.)

We got home from school and we both broke down. I was sure Ama hated me. It was my fault that she would now have my curse. Even then I was just in the beginning stages. How much worse could it get? Obviously a whole lot. Ama was crying in the kitchen so I locked myself in the bathroom. I had to find something sharp. I'd put myself out of this misery and save Ama while I was at it. I'd thought I was getting better but, this was worse. These feelings of hate, guilt and worthlessness. This would kill me. I stopped for a second noticing I couldn't hear Ama anymore. Where'd she gone? Suddenly there was a rattle at the door. Ama was prying the lock. I looked around frantically and grabbed the razor on the sink. I lowered it onto my wrist prepared to make the cuts. I'd gotten to 4 deep ones before Ama crashed into the room ripping the razor away from me and dragging me down to the floor.
"Stupid, stupid STUPID!" She shouted grabbing my hand and pressing it to her chest. She wrapped me up in her arms rocking back and forward.
"Mika... you can't do that. PLEASE! I need you. I can't live without you. I love you and you need to understand that. I might be angry because of the Manipulative stuff but I LOVE YOU and you need to stay with me. I... i cant live without you. Please." She said, breaking down in tears at the end and wrapping me tighter.
"We'll sort this out."
I felt so bad. I didn't want to hurt Ama but this was so hopeless. I was a freak. There was something so wrong with me, that they couldn't fix it. Now I'd spread it like a disease to her. But I'd have to let her help me. I loved her.
We'd gone to bed really late that night, after Ama's parents had gone to bed. We stayed up watching movies and again watched that TV series she like Vol- something. I liked it though. It was funny, the red and blue people were constantly at each other's throats. They were so cute. Ama said she 'shipped' them- whatever that meant. We arrived at school early and went to the office ready to start our modified lesson schedule. It had said that we'd have classes before school 3 days a week, 2 during lunch and 3 after school every week. That would be fun. We waited outside the principals office, very apprehensive. When invited in, we sat down again in the seats, hands linked between us. Ama brushed her fingers gently across the bandages on my arm, reminding me that she loved me and wouldn't let this break us. She'd told me the same last night.
"So, you have decided to take the lessons," The principal said. "though it was not as though you had much choice. Now, I believe I owe you an explanation. First of all, how do these "powers" as you call them, work and why did they only recently make themselves known. Well, these powers are a specific development within the brain allowing your mind to become much more connected to things around you. I was able to read your mind earlier through telepathy, of which I am a master. I could connect my mind to yours without you knowing to find out your thoughts and past experiences. Understood?"
We both nodded slowly trying to wrap our minds around the concept.
"So, as far as we know, the only way for this power to actually manifest is for the person in question to create a bond of reciprocal love. Now, I believe this is the first bond of reciprocal love you have experienced Mika. You and your parents had a very bad relationship and you never made the time to make friends before Ama. Correct?"
Again I nodded.
"With most Manipulators, these powers will manifest much earlier as the forge a bond of reciprocal love with their parents and friends. This set of strong emotions starts the series of chemical reactions inside the brain to allow your mind to expand. All manipulators have manipulator parents which is what is so perplexing about your situation. They were your biological parents right Mikara?"
I was getting tired of all this nodding. My neck hurt. So basically, Ama and I loved each other so I had this thing now and it would spread to her? Ugh this woman was crap at explaining.
(A/N sorry for my crap explanation. Let me know if it makes no sense and I'll clear it up in another section.)
I was ready to just get up and get to the lesson. I wanted to see just what I could do.
"Ok. You are both getting antsy now so I'll let you go to your lesson. You will be forging a mental bond today. Oh and don't worry Ama your powers have already manifested. You just have to figure out how."
So with that cryptic message we left. Hoping to the Greek, Roman, Norse and Egyptian gods that we'd learn to control these curses and just survive.

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