09. mean girls dont cry

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All day, Alexis couldn't help but feel curious about what Wendy and Gracia said.

What did they mean?

Was Amber friends with them before?

The bell rang and Alexis rushed out walking towards Amber's locker hoping that she was there and to her surprise, she was.

"Hey, what happened to you this morning? " Alexis asked her.

Amber looked away hoping that Alexis wouldn't see her face.

"Um. Nothing. I just had to hand in my assignment before the deadline is all. " Amber lied keeping her voice firm.

Alexis sighed, "You know what I'm talking about. "

Amber shut her locker and looked up at Alexis getting annoyed that she was pretending that she cared. "Look just drop it. It doesn't matter. Why don't we talk about the video you made huh? You wanna talk about that? "

Alexis was shocked. Amber was angry because she asked what was wrong. Alexis cared and she wanted Amber to know that. But than one sentence made her head twist into knots.

Alexis frowned, "W-what are you talking about? "

Amber laughed bitterly, "Oh don't play dumb with me Alexis. You know what video! "

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Really Amber I -"

"You know what, " Amber straightened up giving her million dollar smile, "your boyfriend is coming right now so why don't you ask him. "

With that she bumped past Alexis and walked off.

Alexis stood there dumbfounded, "Boyfriend? "

"Hey babe, " Alexis turned around to see the dark haired guy from last night's party. He leaned in aiming towards her lips when she backed away.

"Woah! Back up, " She shoved him away. "What are you doing? "

He smiled, "Really, you're playing hard to get?"

"Hard to what? Dude, I don't even know your name! "

He chuckled, "That's Ok. We said no attachments. Just friends with benefits, isn't that why we made the video? "

"What video? " she asked. Her heart started beating faster again.

He chuckled, "Funny Alexis. Very funny. "

"Listen I have-"

"Two appointments ready made. Yes you sure do. Wednesday and Friday next week. I got my two guys. They saw the video and they thought you were great and to be honest, you really were. "

She shook her head, "Listen -"

"Matthew Greg but call me Matt. "

"-Matt I don't know what you're talking about. "

He frowned taking out his phone, "Hold on." After pressing a few things on the screen he turned his phone back around to her.

"It was your idea. I didn't even think of it but, I guess the new ones come with new ideas." he chuckled.

She looked up, her heart was pumping, her plams were sweaty, "Matt I was drunk! "

"It was your idea. "

"I was drunk! " she choked, her eyes getting glassy.

He scoffed, "Really? You wanna cry? You've gotta be kidding me. Besides its not like it was your first time right? It felt like you've done it a thousand times. "

"I was fucking drunk, do you not hear me! " she yelled, her voice already shaking. She knew she had grabbed everyone's attention in the hall way.

"I could sue you Matt. I didn't know what was happening. I was drunk Matthew! I was-"

He pulled her towards him by the wrist. His grip was so tight she could already feel the bruise forming, he leaned in towards her and spoke in the most low but scariest voice she's ever heard. "Are you threathing me? Listen here you slut, what's done is done. It was your idea to make a sex tape and we did exactly that. If I ever hear that you ever think about taking me court, you'll wish you were never born. Now shut the fuck up and stop acting like a fucking dramatic whore. Besides, isn't that what your HighSchool is all about whore? Sex and popularity? And don't ever use the I was drunk line, because everyone knows you just wanted to get laid. You were even begging. "

He got back his phone violently, and walked away leaving Alexis feel like her whole world was crumbling down.

She started sweating uncontrollably.

She ran off straight to the bathroom and puked. She cried holding back her hair as the tears slid uncontrollably down her face leaving a trail of tears under the huge layer of makeup she put on that morning.

"What have I done? " she whispered choking on her tears.

She looked into the mirrior feeling disgusted. She felt dirty.

Flashes of the video played over and over inside her head. Flashes of images replayed bringing back the memories of yesterdays party. Flashes of her giving up her innocence, her purity, her virginity. And it all came with an evidence of its own.

Right than and there Alexis Light truly felt like a slut.

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