28. mean girls dont cry

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tw** eating disorder
Omg how long have I been gone? Sorry!

Amber Jackson skipped all her classes. She did that almost every single day. She didn't even try to learn something; she was thawing.

She didn't even want to think she had a somewhat better future, no. All those dreams and those fairytales she'd heard about when she was a girl suddenly floated around in her mind without a reason to hold them down looking for gravity. Like her.

Alexis asked her a question no ones ever bothered to ask. She was shocked.

No, stop being a fool. She just wants to come in and then break you again. She's just like all of them. Amber snapped at herself in thought.

The voice was back. It didn't want to shut up. The demons in her head kept her up at night, and she rarely had any rest. She wasn't just tired physically; she was tired of everything. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually...

She walked towards the football field. People were in class; it was 2:30pm. She crouched under the bleachers and sat against the posts.

You're ok. You're fine. She lied to herself forcing a fake smile.

Deep down; she knew she was way too far from being fine. She was on the edge of sanity; she was slipping away from life.

No food.
Just drugs.
No sugar
or starch.
Drink water.
You'll be fine.

Ana spoke to her again and again.

a/n: okay I felt as if since you all didn't really know much about Amber I decided to write a chapter for you guys to see what's it like to be her. Mind you; it's a warning that whenever I write and put (tw- trigger warning**) I won't really get deep. yet. But especially in Ambers chapters, just please don't read them if you're easily triggered. also; comment what you think about Amber as a Character in the comments. Vote too.

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