Chapter 3

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Layla's POV
I left my apartment and got to my car putting my chair in the back. I drove to Toronto for my doctors appointment. When I walked in I got a notification from Instagram.

"Jenna5sos: Hey, I was wondering if you went to the 5sos concert the other night in Toronto?"
"Yea I was, how did u find me?"
"I saw your comment on Ashton's post"
"Oh yea that's awesome"
We started talking about 5sos and other things until I was called into the office. After I got out we talked some more.
"that was one stupid appointment"
"for what?"
"It's a sleep clinic because I have slight sleep apnea so it's like once a year I have to go"
"what's sleep apnea? Is that a stupid question"
"no, and it's when I stop breathing when I'm sleeping"
"ohhh interesting"
"ya I also have a disability so I have many appts"
"oh really?"
"Ya that's why I was on the accessible platform at the concert. I'm in a chair cuz I have MPS just without the dwarfism. I'm a rare case"
"oh wow I'll have to google that"
"ya it's a lot of info. I don't normally tell people I meet online. Idk tho I feel closer to you"
We kept chatting until I got to my car.

Ashton's POV
I googled the disability she sent me. It's an enzyme difficnecny disorder. She said she didn't have the dwarfism so she's a normal height. But it also includes respiratory problems, and weak bones. She texted me.
"I'm home now!"
"That's good I've been looking up MPS"
"really no one ever does if I tell em too"
"so you can't walk long distances?"
"Nope nor can I stand for more then like a minute."
"Wow, I'm sorry"
"don't be it's my life it's what's molded me into the person I am today. It's gotten me to where I am"
"oh my gosh how old are you You sound like a wiki article"
"lol and I'm only 23"
Hey I could date her.
"Hey Ashton time to board to flight." Luke says to me.
"I got to go I'll talk to you soon" I text her
"hey Ashton, it's Calum's turn to sit by himself so you're sitting in the aisle beside Luke" Mike says while walking on.
"Ok bye Jenna" she texts, I smile.
"What are you smiling at loser you haven't taken your eyes off your phone" Luke says looking over my shoulder.
"I'm talking to Layla"
"ohhhh your girlfriend" we sit in our seats.
"She's not my girlfriend, she's Jenna's friend."
"Really you used Jenna?" Cal asks.
"ya it's only name I could think of."
"What about Ashley or Sierra or arzaleya" Luke leans over to look at Calum.
"That's not cool" I lay back and relax
I look to my left, Layla is sitting there with her long blonde hair and her beautiful brown eyes. I grab her hand
"I love you Layla" I say.
she lays her head on my shoulder as she snickers. I kiss her forehead. She looks up at me. I go to kiss her lips but I feel I sharp pain on my cheek.
I see Luke staring at me. I look down and see we're holding hands.
"dude that's weird" He says
"what happened?" I ask groggily
"You feel asleep and you said I love you Layla and then kissed my forehead and I looked at ya and you tried to kiss me so I slapped you, all while you held my hand."I groan.
"She's really got you fucked up mate" Michael says.
I look over at calum. He's got an old man laying on his shoulder. He looks at me with a disgusted face.
"You've got luke I've got him" he says

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