Chapter 27

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Calum's POV
I walk into the hallway looking for Michael. I peek into his room but he's not there I look into the room across the hall, it's Ashtons and Layla's. He's in there looking at something.
"Hey Mike what are you doing?" I ask coming in.
"I heard Ashtons phone ringing so I came to check it out..." he says trailing off at the end. I look over his shoulder to see unsettling messages.
"I miss you baby and I want you back."
"I want you too baby but I don't think the label will let me drop her"
"Just do it, or force her to cheat somehow"
"How would I do that"
"Idk maybe "leak" some stuff about her" I stop reading. the contact name is Josefina.
"Who is that?" I ask Mike
"His mistress" he says turning off the phone and standing back up.
"What do we do?" I ask.
"Well let's not ruin her birthday party." He says
"I'll talk to Crystal" he says leaving the room. I go into my room and grab my phone. I go into Ashtons followers on Instagram and type in the name Josefina. Only a few people come up. I click on the first one. It's private. The second one is public. She has about 3,000 followers and is stunning. I don't know what to do about this. I walk back into the kitchen to see them all laughing I see Ashton hugging Layla from behind, she's smiling, I can't help but feel sorry. I walk over to Kirsten and sit beside her. I wish I could tell her but I don't think it's a good idea. I look over to Michael who discreetly shaking his head at me, signalling me not to tell her about what we saw. I nod.
"I'm gonna go grab my phone." Ashton says kissing Layla's forehead and walking to his bed room.

Layla's POV
The party is in full swing and it's getting hot, I'm already completely wasted so I take off my jacket, not even thinking about my tattoo. I head back to the bar, where I grab yet another glass of booze and continue to watch people as they make out in corners and jump into the pool with clothes on and grind on strangers, Hollywood parties are interesting. I walk around bumping into people I know but haven't met. I dance with Ashton in the middle of our makeshift dance floor.
"Shake what your mama gave ya!" I say to Ashton.
"I like what yout mama gave me better!" He replied.

*the next morning*
I wake up with the sun burning my eyes, I'm on the couch with my dress hiked up a little bit and missing my jacket. I didn't think much of it. I look down to see Ashton asleep on the ground. I laugh slightly but stop when I realize my head is pounding. I get up to Calum sitting at the breakfast barstool on his phone.
"Morning, Advil is on the counter next to water" he point over towards the sink.
"Thanks" I say popping the two pills and drinking to water.
"Are you the only one up?" I ask him
"Yay, nice tattoo by the way" he points towards my arm.
"Oh shit don't tell anyone" I say, trying not to move my arm to much.
"I won't, don't worry" he says putting his phone down and facing me as I sit next to him.
"So what the fuck happened last night mr ima stay sober" I mock him.
"Well, you kinda danced on the table after like three shots. You yelled out
"I'm a fucking goose"" I cut him off there.
"A goose?"
"Ya." He says nodding his head.
"Holy crap."
"And Michael I'm pretty sure is still sleeping in the pool." I look out to see him Crystal cuddling on a pool floatie fast asleep.
"Oh boy, and Ashton?" I hoping he did something to over shadow my goose comment.
"He went up to you and said "hey baby let's fuck right here" and then you yelled I'm a goose and he replied with "I like geese to"" he starts to laugh, and so do I.
"What the fuck happened last night" Ashton says
"Bro where's your shirt" I say thinking of their song I can't remember
"Pretty girl what's your name what's your number" Calum sings
"I get the keys to my dads yellow hummer" I sing. We all start laughing.
"Ah Fuck. My head." Ashton says coming over to the kitchen.
"Advil is over there" Calum says pointing to more water and pills. We hear a splash and laughter. Our heads turn to see Michael on top of a floatie with Crystal in the water.

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