Chapter 32

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"Ok it seems like you fractured your wrist but other then that you just have a sprained elbow, we will get you a cast and then a sling for your elbow." The ER nurse says after my x-ray. She gets up to get all the supplies she needs to put a cast on my wrist.
"Only me!" I say laughing.
"I should call Michael and tell him." She says grabbing her phone. She hit speaker
"Hey babe how's everything?" He says
"Well put it on speaker and all six of us can talk." She replies.
"Hey Layla how are you?" I hear Ashton say.
"Well I fractured my wrist and sprained my elbow!" I say laughing afterwards.
"Wow." I hear Michael say.
"Ok my nurse is back I got to get it wrapped I'll see you guys before the concert!"
"What colour do you want?" She asks me holding the bucket with the different colours. I think for a second
"Have you ever heard of 5sos?"
"Yes actually, they are one of my favourite bands" she goes red.
"Can we do it Youngblood inspired?" She smiles.

"Ok I'm gonna put on my jacket to cover my arm before they see the cast!"
"I love that she did that for you!" Crystal laughs getting in the car next to me. We drive to the venue which is Sydney, it's about 1 hour before The concert.
"Oh shit, all the 5sos fam is here" I say referring to their parents and siblings.
"Oh yea you haven't met any of them..."
"Well now I'm meeting all of them." She goes to the back and gets my chair, I get out of the car almost falling.
"You loser, you should have waited for me"
"I don't wanna be dependant on people..."
"Is that why you haven't even shed a tear" she stops and kneels in front of me. I put my head in my hand, my only good one.
"I don't have my legs, I have my arms to get me from A to B and now I only have one, it's my independence. Gone!" I say wiping away a tear.
"Baby, you will always have your independence no matter what because you still got out of the car yourself, you still tried to get yourself to the car, you can still eat and breathe. You, my darling will be just fine." She hugs me. We go into the green room to see so many people. I stand up and hug Ashton still holding my jacket over my cast.
"What colour did you get?!" Michael asks pointing to my arm.
"Well..." I say taking off the jacket and bringing my arm up out of the sling.
"Oh my gosh!!!!" Every says all at once. I laugh. I put my arm back into the sling.
"Uhm my elbow is even more bruised then it was when we left. I show Crystal
"Holy shit!" She says.
"Well Layla this is my mom." Ashton says all cute coming over to me.
"Awe hi Anne" I say kind of shyly.
"Awe hi Layla" she says hugging me. We sit and talk for while but before we could blink it was time for the concert. All the moms and siblings and dads left to go out in their seats and the boys were making sure they were ready.
"So do you want to go out with Crystal or stay backstage with Lovely?" Ashton asks me.
"I'd like to go out I'm gonna keep myself covered with my jacket and try and hide my arm." I say grabbing it and hopping in my chair trying to get my seatbelt done up. It's hard with one hand.
"Here" Ashton grabs it and does it for me. I sigh.
"Thanks" I say quietly as Crystal pushes me out towards the pit.
"Are you good?" She asks sitting beside me.
"Ya why wouldn't I be?" I reply back trying to fake smile.
"Because that smile is so fake Barbie is jealous" she says
"I don't- that just wasn't what I wanted, him doing up my seatbelt for me made me feel less human" I say waiting for the show to start. Any time now.
"Ya I get it." She says. She really doesn't, no one gets what it's like to be me, but I let them think they do for their pride. Lovely come on and kick ass. Once Babylon starts playing I get excited. I get to see my boys perform from the bottom of their hearts.

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