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Laurent:in this story I helped them.

Victoria:I'm a nice girl*giggle*

Me: can I own you?

Laurent and Victoria: you can edward?! No!

Me:Edwards a fuckface, oh wait! He's never fucked!


"I forbid it!" Aro yells. I hiss.

"Tell me more!" I demand. Laurent looks nervously at Aro. I glare.

"Well, I can break any bond, though not for good. If the people love each other they can forge another." He explains. Then I grimace.

"Chelsea?" He shakes his head. I leap over and hug him super tight. He mock faints. I slap him and we get up.

"Well, go ahead! I'm ready to find another mate!" I exclaim. Aro growls and knocks over Laurent. I hear a cracking noise. I gasp and scream.

"Stop! No! You idiot! No!" I scream. Alec and Jane restrain me and my shield won't work. I simply collapse and I hear a ripping noise. I rock back and forth head on my knees. I cry and cry. I cry until I black out.

"Darlin, wake up. We're home." It's Alec.

"Then where is my family? My home is were my loved ones are. Not a house or castle or apartment." I say coldly and I turn away from him.

"Doll, it's not my fault." I know that! I want to scream! It's mine for not loving Aro it's mine for egging Laurent on!

"Or yours." Jane cuts in. Huh, I didn't realize she was here.

"It is. I would do anything to die and have my family ok. Laurent's family, like you guys. I would die for you. And him, and I couldn't." I look at my hands, shamefully. Alec brushes his lips on mine and I don't smile.

"The god of war is here." Jane says, sounding scared. Jasper steps in. I give a watery smile.

"Jazzy pooh! Or is it god of war?" I tease. He laughs and grabs me in his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his chest.

"Jazz. If you leave me again I will be a very angry newborn with you. Understood? I will rip you apart and burn your dick. Alice will be upset." He smiles and sits me on his lap. Jane and Alec stare incredulously. I smirk at their expressions.

"Bells, I missed you. Ali was a wreck and Emmet hardly made jokes. Esme was constantly dry sobbing and Carlisle basically disowned Dickward." He frowns unhappily. I ruffle his hair and kiss his cheek. Then I look at his eyes. Red. I laugh and laugh.

"Called it! Oh ya! Someone jumped of the bandwagon! Knew you weren't a wimp!" I exclaim and hug him tighter. He chuckles and sets me down and I settle my head on his chest, feeling at home. I truly love my brother. He kisses my hair and I smile and close my eyes, not sleeping, but resting.

"Time to get up Darlin." I giggle at his accent. He sounds so...cow boyish. "What'so funny?" He asks in his southern drawl.

"Jasper! Since when are you all 'darlin' and accenty?!" I ask between giggles. He shakes his head  and takes my hand and Alec and Jane lead us to the throne room. I get tired quickly though, with them walking fast paced and all.

"Need help Darlin?" He mocks. I mess his hair up and he growls playfully. I growl back.

"You know I do." He laughs and lifts me up and place me in his shoulders and the kings get in. Caius runs up to Jazz and hisses.

"You hurt her, you're dead!" I laugh at the protectiveness in his tone. Caius smiles too and sits in his throne.

Marcus blows me a kiss and I blow one back. He smiles and sits. Aro growls I send out my shield and knock him over. Jasper sends out his confusion.

"Jazzy pooh, meet the sick bastard, Aro volturi, my mostly unfortunate...gross...vile....cruel....evil...catty like Caius..and a royal pain in the ass, my, ah-"

"Mate!" I hear a voice squeal..

"Jazzy bear, I owe you." I flip off him and run straight into Alice she hugs me and pulls back, making upset noises at the state of my hair.

"Bella. Your future is so adorable. Edward did not approve." She frowns at Edwards name. Me and Jazzy grin. He scoops us up is a giant hug sending us adoration and love and family and contentment.

"My to favorite girls in the world. I love you."

"Aawwww...Jazzy bear, your not a god of war, your such a cutie!" I send him back every positive emotion I can think of and he hums contently. I pinch his nose and then Alice kisses him. He wraps a arm around our waists. Jane is on the verge of laughing while Alec already is. Caius looks less grumpy, Marcus is smiling and Aro is about to murder Jazz.I smile and send Jasper my amusement. He nods and smirks a bit.

Victoria walks in cautiously, holding Demetri's hand and I feel Jasoer tense.

"We made up. Laurent too. But a certain fucking bastard who will be very, very, dismembered when I'm a newborn ripped his head off." I seethe. Alice and I hiss in unison and Jasper smiles. I know that smile me and Alice giggle happily. Jazz is totally gonna use his title against the Volturi.

"Where is he?" Jasper asks and Aro growls.

Alec approaches me and slides an arm around me, feeling my upset emotions. Finally, Aro leaves and I lighten up immediately.

"Please keep being happy, your emotions are quite strong. You're very excited and blissful. Why?" I laugh happily.

"Aros gone! The sun will continue to shine! The birds to sing! Me to smile! Weeee!" He twirls me around and we dance, Alec and Jane come up to. Demetri and Victoria. Corin and Afton. We all twirl together. Jasper switches to Alice and Caius to me. Everyone is feeding of Jasper's happiness. I go to love for my family. I couldn't ask for more than this. Jasper projects that mixed with euphoria and everyone goes to ballroom dancing.

"We should have a ball!" I squeal. Everyone nods in agreement.

"A ball we will have Isabella. For you." Cauis hugs me and walks out. The vampires all gasp.

"What!?" I ask self consciously.

"All the kings like you. Caius and Marcus! Aro...well..you know. But Caius? This is legendary. Vampires around the world will know your name. I mean, The god of war, Caius, Marcus? Bring in the Romanians!" Says Corin. Jasper smiles affectionately and Marcus hugs me.

"Who's the Romanians?" I ask.

"Nobody." Answers Aro, walking in. I growl in rage and unhappiness. Jasper laughs.

"You really do hate him. I'll skip Alec, Caius and you truly like each other, Marcus and you are quite close. Like family. You truly care for Jane. It's sweet. You love the Volturi. Touching. Except for..Aro." I giggle. Of course. He kisses my cheek and Aros eyes turn black and he growls and Jasper accepts the challenge. oh no.

Aro Volturi love story (SEQUEL IS UP)Where stories live. Discover now