Changing and waking

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Me: check out my other stories, also thanks for the reviews and votes. They mean a tone.

Aro: twilight is stephenies, also do you think Jane and I should get together?

Pain. It is and was and always will be. It surrounded me and burned me. I was dying, yet not allowed to die. Imagine the most painful thing you ever went through. Multiply by 1000. That's heaven. This, this burning is hell I inflicted upon myself. I thought of Jane, Felix and Demetri. All vampires, they went through this to. They survived. So will I. I will not scream, I will be strong, like Carlisle. I clamp my mouth shout. The pain goes to my heart and it goes up by tenfold. My heart will explode. The it stops. I wait and see if the pain returns and it doesn't. I tentatively open an eye. I look around and try to remember them. Jane, Jane is here. With her blonde hair and pretty eyes and she's like Alice.

"Jane, Chelsea, sister, Demtri and Felix, Satingo, Vladimir and Stefan, friends and family. Alec, fuck buddy. Catty Caius, annoying. We were quite mean to Aro. I like that. Hmm....Marcus! Zombieish and stuff. Wise. I'm bored. I'm bored. Stop staring. It's weird. You all look different." I say. They do. I notice Alec has red in his hair and everyone's eyes are a different red. Janes hair has white blonde highlights. Chelsea's brown locks have black.

"Your not attacking." Jane says.

"No shit Sherlock." I say and get up. We hug and everyone leaves but her. She walks me over to the mirror. I gasp. I'm beautiful.

"Yeah, your as gorgeous as a succubus. Now get in the closet and dress up so good you'll have every guy within a five mile radius of you drooling!" I will. Aros jaw will drop. mate. I pick out the perfect outfit. Lace up boots, red leather mini skirt, crop top. I'm hot. I step out and Jane looks at me.

"Fuck Bella. You really want to tease?" I grin, she got noooo idea. I'm one naughty newborn. As we walk down the hall I feel every male, and some female eyes on me. I can sense Janes extreme amusement. If I was human id be beet red. But if I was human, I would never wear this. We enter the throne room. Caius whistles.

"Damn Isabella. What's with the wardrobe change?" He asks, I grin and spin around giving everyone a full view. Lalalalala. I'll pretend I don't notice Aro. It's a fun game. I walk up to Caius and he grins. I raise, one perfect eyebrow.

"Caius. Guess what?" I whisper and lean in.

"What?" He whispers back. I giggle.

"Your whispering." He pull back and stares. Then he bursts out laughing. Marcus is chuckling and I don't even look at Aro. I want go though, very badly. Very, very badly. Caius scoots over in his giant throne and I sit. I realize I interrupted a trial. The man, though chained up and about die, is smiling. I look at him and hiss.

"Wipe the smile of your face ass wipe, your about to die, again. Keep your mouth shut and I swear I'm a lot closer to killing you than they are. Only issue, I'm a newborn. So they cant restrain me. Marcus has the best shot though.." I trail of.

"Why?" Aro and Caius ask. I look at Caius.

"I'd feel bad hurting him. Like Caius, you and me wrestle all the time. No gain. But with'd be like hurting an old man at a nursing home without his glasses on. Just unfair." Caius nods. Aro hisses at Caius. Marcus looks offended. Then the guy laughs. I'm bored with him. I'm leap off of the throne and land in front of the man. I smile alluringly at him. He grins dazedly back. I continue to smile and place my arms around his neck. In one tug I toss Caius the head.

"Voila." I say. Aros eyes darken and Caius is whacking the head. Jane is giggling like a school girl. I smile. I truly love them all.

A/n I love this story and all the comments it's getting so I'm gonna update more.

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