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It was over fifteen minutes past one in the afternoon when Namjoon emerged from his room and into the living room of the dorms. 

A police officer was waiting for him in the middle of it, looking serious. He pointed at the sofa in front of him. 

"Sit down, Namjoon." 

All the other members were quietly sitting side by side, in various states of shock. Namjoon soon joined them, not quite believing what was happening. 

Was Hoseok really dead

"Now that you are all here, I shall go on. My name is Officer Mulrey, and I am with the violent crime unit of the Seoul police department. Jung Hoseok's death was ruled a murder, and I will thus be in charge of the investigation." 

He paused, and all the members stared at him; eyes wide, yet still sleepy. What was happening felt like a nightmare. 

First, Jimin's scream. Then, Jimin hurriedly waking up Taehyung, who sleepily went to Jimin and Hoseok's room, not quite understanding what was happening. Taehyung seeing Hoseok's dead body on the floor. Taehyung shouting. Taehyung trying to revive Hoseok when it was obvious he had been gone for a long time. 

Seokjin, confused by the commotion, coming to see what was happening and seeing one of his best friend dead on the floor. Seokjin, alerting the rest of the members and calling the police. Five minutes later, their apartment full of policemen and their managers running around in panic. The members being confined to their rooms as the police gathered evidence, except for Jimin who had been confined to the dining room, because his room now had a dead body in it. 

And now, all six of them sitting here in the living room, in front of a policeman who specialized in violent crimes, and he was here for the murder of their best friend. 

It was a nightmare, the worst kind of nightmare, that had become a reality.

"The coroner ruled Hoseok was killed between the hours of 11PM last night and 4AM this morning. I solicited your presence so that we could establish a list of people that Hoseok could have been with, what he did last night, and with whom."

Silence took over. All the members had wide, confused eyes, yet none of them held the same expression. 

Seokjin seemed utterly lost, like he had no idea what was happening right in front of him, yet he couldn't look away. Yoongi's face was frozen and his gaze was empty, as if he had seen a ghost but he wasn't sure the ghost was real. Namjoon's eyes were nervously and unconsciously looking everywhere - like they were looking for something and had to find it, but the thing just wasn't there. 

Jimin's gaze shined with fear, fear that could only be shown by someone who had found the dead body of his best friend less than two hours before. Taehyung looked completely heartbroken and had focused his stare on the carpet - a carpet that had been chosen by Hoseok just a few months prior. And Jungkook, the youngest, had tears filling up his eyes, yet there was also a hint of terror in them that was hard to miss. 

Officer Mulrey took a deep breath.  

"So, first, I'd like to know the last moment you each saw Hoseok. Was it last night?" The officer raised both his eyebrows and focused on Namjoon, the only one who currently seemed capable of thinking.

Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows and look down, focusing on the officer's shoes. 

"Uh, maybe around nine? We... We all had dinner, all seven of us... And then Jimin left. And then the rest of us talked for a bit... I think... I think Hoseok was tired because he went to bed at nine. None of us saw him after that," Namjoon explained hesitantly. "Well, until this morning when Jimin screamed, and, well, ..." He motioned at nothing with his hands, because they all knew that they had seen Hoseok dead and Namjoon didn't think he was able to describe what he saw without crumbling completely. 

"None of you saw him after he went to bed?" the officer repeated suspiciously.  

Namjoon and Jin nodded. Jimin looked down in guilt. Taehyung and Yoongi stared emptily ahead as Jungkook's shoulders fell. 

"I see. And who had access to the apartment?" he went on, taking out a small notepad and a pen, expecting to write down a few names.

Silence followed. Silence, along with a few pair of wide eyes focusing on him.

"I'm sorry?" Namjoon spoke after a moment, because no one else seemed to be able to.

"Who, apart from you six, had access to this apartment? Who could have gotten in without people knowing about it?" the officer pressed on. 

More silence. 

"... No one. No one has the key, no one can get in here without it. It's extremely secure because of problems we've been having with fans." 

Officer Mulrey narrowed his eyes.

"Are you telling me that you six are the only ones that can get in or out of this place? That it's impossible that someone else has entered without you knowing?" 

Namjoon's eyes grew wider as he seemed to realize something. "Yes... It might not be impossible, but extremely unlikely, I think." 

Seokjin's head snapped up. 

"We thought it was impossible, Namjoon. We thought. But obviously someone did. Someone came in here last night and killed Hoseok. Otherwise, how could he have been murdered, if there was no murderer in the apartment?" His voice was weak, like he had just solved a puzzle, if said puzzle had 4 pieces and showed the picture of his dead best friend.

The officer focused on Seokjin.

"If Hoseok was murdered, there was a murderer in the apartment, that I agree with. And there probably still is, because six people were here last night and six people are still here today. If you're telling me that no one has come into this apartment except you six, well, the murderer was already in the apartment last night and it was one of you six."

His words were spoken flatly, yet they had an air of finality that was hard to miss. They were suspects; the only suspects. All six of them.

None of the boys moved.

Taehyung parted his lips, but the rest of him didn't move at all.

"Jimin wasn't here."

It was a whisper that everyone heard loud and clear. From six people, the list of suspects had gone down to five.

"Interesting." The officer whispered back. His gaze switched to Jimin. "Where were you, Jimin?" 

Jimin, who still seemed out of it, raised his lost eyes. "I was... out with some friends. We hit a few cafes and clubs." His voice sounded so strained that the officer almost dismissed him immediately.

"I see." He made a note to check Jimin's whereabouts of the previous night when he would have the time. 

"Well, so far it seems only five of you had the opportunity to kill Hoseok." 

The tension in the room had been there for a while, but suddenly it became too heavy.

"...What?" Jungkook had the eyes of a deer caught in headlights. It was like he was only realizing now that they were suspects. 

"Only six of you had access to this apartment, and only five of you were here last night. Boys, you will be confined to this apartment until we figure out who did this; as you are now all prime suspects in the murder of Jung Hoseok. I ask that you do not leave this apartment, and that you communicate any information that you can think of; anything that happened or didn't happen. And if you are aware of someone who might have wanted Hoseok dead, for whatever reason, I urge you to tell me about it as soon as possible." 

The officer walked to the door, opened it and disappeared behind it. The door closed and they all heard the lock being put into place. The lock that used to protect them from the outside but that now kept them prisoners inside.

And just like that, they were alone in the apartment; all six members left. Five of them were prime suspects in the murder of Hoseok.

And one of them was the murderer. 


A/N - From now on, you are welcome to take a guess at the end of each chapter as to who the murderer is. So, who do you think killed Hoseok?

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