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Jimin could discern his name being called, yet he couldn't move. He could feel his body laying on the cold floor and his eyes being closed, yet it felt as if he was floating above it. Floating above his own body, and looking down at it with pity. 

Pity, remorse and self-blame.

"Jimin?" He felt something connecting repeatedly with his cheeks. "Jimin, wake up! Jimin?" 

Was that... Hoseok? 

This voice calling him, and these hands touching him, wasn't it Hoseok? Wasn't it Hoseok who would wake him up this way every morning when Jimin was running late? Wasn't it Hoseok who was touching him right now, telling him to wake up? Wasn't it Hoseok who was dead?

But if it was Hoseok touching him, then maybe Hoseok wasn't really dead. Maybe all of this was just a bad dream, and when Jimin would open his eyes he would meet the warm ones of Hoseok. And then, maybe he could forget about the dead body of his best friend, the investigation for murder that focused on the members, and the fact that Jimin knew, without really knowing, who had killed his best friend. 

And so, Jimin slowly opened his eyes, ready to end this nightmare and squeeze Hoseok tight as soon as his cold, shaking hands would be within reach of his best friend's warm chest.

But as he opened his eyes, all he saw was the grey ceiling of their living room. He stared at it astonishingly for a brief moment, before the sight was replaced by someone's face he couldn't quite make out yet. 

The person's mouth was moving fast, yet Jimin couldn't hear a single word. He was in a trance. Slowly, his eyes travelled on the person's face, focusing on different parts until he met their eyes.

Dark, guarded, cold eyes. The eyes of someone Jimin knew way too well.

And just like that, Jimin's whole world came crashing down. Yes, Hoseok was really dead, and yes, he had been murdered. And Jimin couldn't help but wonder, were those eyes the last thing Hoseok saw, right before he died? Those fierce, unforgiving, almost inhuman eyes, hovering above him, ready to say goodbye? Just like they were hovering above Jimin at this very moment? 

And what had Hoseok done to them to deserve such a cruel and merciless ending?

Jimin barely had the time to blink before the eyes disappeared from his sight, and soon they were replaced by another pair.

"Jimin," the new face said, and he recognized the hard features of the police officer. "Are you alright?" 

Jimin blinked for a second time, and slowly moved his hands up to rub his eyes.

"I... Wh-What happened?" 

The officer put his warm hand on Jimin's forehead and sighed. "You fainted. I was showing you the tape and you lost consciousness. We've been trying to wake you up for 5 minutes now." 

Jimin blinked. "The t-tape?" 

It all came flooding back to him, like a tsunami taking over his mind and washing away any peace of mind that still remained. Hoseok's dead body, Hoseok's terrified, frozen face; the police's investigation on the members, the fact that Jimin supposedly hadn't been there that night; the tape they had just seen, that now made Jimin a suspect, and a liar too; the member he had seen in the hallway that night, but who hadn't seen him; the fact that this person might have killed Hoseok, and that they were staring at Jimin at this exact moment. 

Jimin flinched. 

"How about you take a deep breath, Jimin, and explain why you came back during the night?" 

Jimin closed his eyes again, and the only thing he could see behind his lids was Hoseok looking at him suspiciously. Like Hoseok, too, was wondering why Jimin had been back that night, and wondering why, perhaps, Jimin hadn't been there to save his life.

Because when you don't save someone from a pending death, aren't you a murderer, too?

"I didn't - I came back, but I didn't see Hoseok. I didn't see him, I swear, I didn't even see him."

His voice was barely above a whisper, but it was so silent in the room that everyone heard him loud and clear.

Jimin had indeed came back to the apartment that night, and now that he had seen the tape, he could remember why he had. And the reason would perhaps make him less suspicious. Perhaps the reason would even remove him from the list of suspects.

But what do you do when your alibi to a murder could land you in jail? What do you do when you came back home to get the drugs you need but definitely aren't allowed to have?

And what do you do when you saw something that perhaps you shouldn't have? Something that, if you told anyone, might put your own life in danger?

Because Jimin had been drunk, and Jimin had been high, and through it all Jimin had forgotten about the member he had seen in the hallway that night. The member he was afraid would scold him if he saw a high Jimin out at that time of the night, the member that Jimin now realized might have been more afraid of Jimin seeing him than the opposite. 

The officer narrowed his eyes.

"You didn't see him?"

Jimin slowly raised his back from the floor, sitting again.

"I didn't. I really didn't. I swear, I didn't!" Jimin hurriedly shook his head from side to side, eyes even wider.

"You mean he wasn't in your room?" the officer pressed on.

"He w-was, but I didn't see him. He was sleeping, I didn't see him. I just went in the room to get something, and he was sleeping under the covers so - so I didn't make any noise. I didn't see him. I took my w... the - the thing I had forgotten, and then I went to the b-balcony. And I didn't see him, not after, not after, and not when I was in the room. I didn't see him. I didn't. He was sleeping." 

The officer pursued his lips. 

"He was sleeping?" he simply repeated.

"Yes, sleeping. He was sleeping." Jimin nodded.

"Did you spend the whole time in your room?" 

"No, no. He was sleeping, so I took my - my thing and then I went to the balcony to r-relax. And then, and then I went back through the hall and left the apartment. I left, I didn't go back to the room, I didn't see Hoseok again, I - I didn't see him. I left! I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything!" 

Jimin looked down, away from the preying eyes of the police officer, and away from the members. And as he closed his eyes, he heard the voice of his mother in his mind, repeating the thing he knew all too well. 

With lies you may go ahead in the world, but you can never go back.

And Jimin knew, at that moment, that he could never go back. Because if he did, those cold, vicious eyes might have his skin. 


A/N - The saying is Russian, fyi. Who or what did Jimin think he saw, that night? 

Also please let me know if something isn't clear, I have this whole plan for the story in my head but I don't know how it is received by you all, so any feedback is appreciated <3 

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