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It was yet to be half past ten in the morning when Park Jimin woke up in a bed that wasn't his. The bed smelt of flowers, the sheets were light pink, and above it hung curtains that fell to the side.

No, this bed definitely wasn't Jimin's. 

The memories of last night were foggy in his mind. He had visited a few places with his friends: restaurants, bars, clubs, and probably some after-hours clubs. He had drunk a lot, to the point where he couldn't remember how much exactly, nor the exact moment he had blacked out. But he had definitely lost his friends at some point, and somehow found this girl he didn't know. 

And now here he was, laying naked in her bed with her sleeping right next to him.

Crap, he thought. The members will definitely scold him for this. 

Reaching out to grab his phone that was on the side table, he turned on the screen to see a bunch of unread messages. Two from his mom, one from his dad and three from his manager. Nothing was unusual in there. What was slightly unusual was what wasn't there: there was no message from Hoseok. 

He was used to Hoseok texting him with worry when he went out and didn't come back home. After all, he and Hoseok shared a bedroom in the dorm, so Hoseok was the only one to notice when Jimin would sleep elsewhere. And he would always scold him for it. One day, you'll end up in the wrong place, Jimin. One day, something bad will happen, Jimin. One day, you'll be sorry you didn't listen to me, Jimin

Mentally rolling his eyes and thanking the gods for no message from Hoseok, Jimin silently stood up from the bed, gathering his things from around the room as quickly as possible. When he was dressed and he had made sure the girl was still sleeping, he opened the door quietly and made his way out of the room, and into a hallway with a bunch of doors. 

Two minutes later, he was out on the street, walking with no direction whatsoever and looking for a cab. He had no idea where he was, and even if he did, he would take a cab. He hadn't walked or taken the subway in years, he wasn't about to start with such a hangover. 

Thankfully, he found one and got in only to get out of it fifteen minutes later in front of his fancy apartment building. 

It was an extremely secure building, the best kind of building. It had cameras all over, controlled access and keys that were impossible to reproduce. No one could get into the building, and even less in the apartment he shared with the members without at least five people knowing about it. 

But when the seven members of the biggest boyband in the world lived alone together in a single apartment, it needed to be as secure as possible.

Jimin rode the elevator to the top floor, the one they lived on, and pulled out his key. Slowly, he inserted the key and turned the handle, trying to make as little noise as possible. 

He knew he wasn't about to run into another member, most of them were probably locked away in their room, still sleeping or enjoying the day off by themselves. Still, the last thing he wanted was someone other than Hoseok knowing he had spent the night elsewhere. He was simply too hungover to listen to their scolding. 

No one was in the entry or the hallway, so he took off his shoes quietly and tip-toed his way to his bedroom. 

Looking behind him to make sure that no one was around, he opened the door to the bedroom he shared with Hoseok and entered while giving one last look up and down the hallway.

No one had seen him. Everything was great. 

Closing the door, he turned to face the room, expecting to see Hoseok awake and frowning at him from the other side of the room. 

His eyes indeed fell on Hoseok. Except Hoseok wasn't sitting down and frowning. No. Instead, Hoseok was laying down on the floor in the middle of the room. His eyes were wide open and his body was frozen. His face had turned purple and it carried a horrifying expression. 

This wasn't Hoseok, it was Hoseok's corpse.  

Jimin couldn't help it: he screamed. 

Purple Death | A BTS Murder Mystery ✔Where stories live. Discover now