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"Is it true?" 

Namjoon raised his eyes from his phone, and in front of him was Jungkook, standing in the middle of the empty living room and staring at him curiously.

Namjoon blinked.

"Is what true?" 

Jungkook didn't look away.

"That you punched Hobi, a while ago. Is it true?" Jungkook's voice was weak and hesitant, like he was afraid to ask, yet he was risking it because he needed to know. 

Namjoon blinked again but didn't answer, instead he lowered his eyes back to his phone, as to avoid Jungkook's wide and expectant gaze.

But silence, for Jungkook, was enough of an answer.

"Why - why would you do that? Punch Hobi, out of all people? Hobi?" he whispered, visibly fearful of the justification that he wanted to hear.

Namjoon sighed loudly. 

Why did it came back to the fact that he punched Hoseok, two weeks ago? Why did it even matter, that he used to be angry and frustrated and jealous, and that he had taken it out on Hoseok, who was just there and who was just so much better than Namjoon?

Why did it always came back to the fact that Namjoon hated Hoseok? Does your hate for someone immediately turns you into a potential cold-blooded murderer?

And so Namjoon raised his eyes from his phone again, annoyed dark eyes that took Jungkook by surprise. But he didn't care, because he would make sure to settle this misunderstanding once and for all.

"I punched him because I hated him, okay? I hated him. I fucking hated him. Hoseok was always good at everything, and he always bragged about it... He was so fucking vain, so fucking annoying about his own exploits, and the fact that they were better than mine. Who fucking cares if his mixtape was more popular than mine? Who fucking cares if he's better at dancing? Who fucking cares if his parents call him everyday? That's why I punched him, because I hated him, okay? I fucking hated him!" Namjoon's strong and irritated voice filled the living room, and he had stood up as he spoke. 

He knew he was getting a little too angry, but he couldn't stand everyone asking him why, out of all people, he hated Hoseok. 

Jungkook looked away from his elder, taking a slight step back.

"Did you - did you hate him so much that he had to die?" he whispered again, this time in a pleading tone, a plead from a boy who needed a reason, an explanation, and, more than anything, needed his best friend back.

Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"For God's sake, I didn't fucking kill him, Jungkook. If I were to kill someone in this group, it would've been Hoseok. But I'm not a killer, and I would never kill, and I didn't kill Hoseok. I hated him, but I'm not a murderer. So just shut the fuck up about me having punched him, it doesn't have to do with anything. If you want to find out who fucking killed him, looked into who he wronged, not who disliked him for whatever selfish reason they had." 

Namjoon finished his rant, threw his phone on the couch behind him and crossed his arms.

Jungkook's eyes went wide.

"But Hobi - Hobi wouldn't wrong anyone. He was nice, he was trying so hard to be nice. He always wanted to please everyone, and he -" 

Namjoon sighed loudly, cutting Jungkook off.

"I've thought about it, for the last few days. Everyone keeps saying: why Hoseok? Why was it Hoseok who was killed? It's the thing they all wonder about. But isn't it fucking obvious, why it was Hoseok?" He narrowed his eyes, focusing on the younger who stared at him astonishingly.

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