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Here are a few open questions for you all! Feel free to leave your thoughts or your own questions~ 


Q-> When Seokjin tells Namjoon that he had killed Hoseok, Namjoon doesn't believe it at first, and then Seokjin insists, and then the next chapter switch to Namjoon revealing that Seokjin killed Hoseok to the other members. 

What do you think happened in between? Did Namjoon believe for real that Seokjin had killed Hoseok? Or rather, did Seokjin insist so much that Namjoon didn't have any other options, because that was what Seokjin wanted even if Namjoon knew it wasn't the truth?


Q-> Yoongi's POV in chapter 5. What were your thoughts about this chapter, before knowing Yoongi was the murderer, and after knowing it?


Q-> The extras. I was undecided about including this as part of the main story or not. I was never a fan of big dramatic reveals about the real murderer, so I preferred to have a tragic ending that truly reflected the pain the members lived through. They lost their friend, they had their deepest secrets exposed, they had their hearts broken, they felt the loneliest they ever had, they yelled, fought and cried, they mourned their friend all alone while being main suspects for his murder. There's no recovering from that. Thus, the tragic ending. Still, knowing that, could you see the extras and what they reveal eventually be included within the main story? 


Q-> For those of you who read Bleed Me and/or August Rain: Both of these stories starts with pain but have a somewhat peaceful ending where the MCs' sufferings resolve themselves. In this story, it's the opposite: the pain grows and grows, the characters see their conflicts hurt them more and more, until it all explodes in the end. 

Bombs go off as we move along the story, one after the other: Hoseok dies, Jimin had been there, Jungkook had talked to Hoseok, Jin confesses to the murder, and so on. And all that's left at the end of the story is a destroyed scene where the sufferings of the characters are amplified and the questions as to why are still there. 

Knowing this, and despite the tragic end, do you think this story could've had a somewhat peaceful ending where feelings are fixed and people end up making peace with their tragedy, like in Bleed Me & August Rain? I'm curious about this because the ending to my next story is still undecided, so I'm really open to any thoughts you have on this! 


Q-> Who should I kill in the next story? I'm so torn :( I don't want to kill anyone but at the same time that character, because of his death, will have a major storyline and importance in the story because *everything* will revolve around him... Fun fact: the killer has already been decided ;) 


I think that's all~ If you have any questions, drop them here and I'll do my best to answer <3 

I will edit the story at some point in the future, hopefully soon. A huge thank you to LadyPerez and nzdramafreakcomedian who are helping me so much by pointing out mistakes. Do give them a follow if you can!

Finally, you all are the best readers ever and I send all my uwus to you <3 All of your votes and comments made me really happy and I'm glad you liked the story. Thanks also to those who shared or recommended the story to their friends & followers, you have no idea how much this means to me!

Until next time~

bangtancha <3

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