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It was the next morning and Taehyung was sitting in the kitchen eating two eggs, sunny-side up, along with a glass of orange juice that had almost overflowed when he had poured it. 

At the moment, it was the best thing he could think of doing to make him feel like Hoseok was by his side: two eggs who's name included sunny, and orange juice because it was the same color as the sun. 

Even during the cloudy days, Hoseok's smile used to brighten life with his smile and his laugh. But now that Hoseok wasn't here, and would never be here again, and the sun wasn't out, Taehyung had used the only way he could think of to recreate the sun in his life.

Two eggs, sunny-side up, and orange juice. 

His heart ached a little as he cut his egg in the middle, allowing the yolk to break and the yellow liquid to release, pouring everywhere into his plate. 

Was that Hoseok felt, when he died? His body being pulled apart, and his blood pouring everywhere? The sun that he was, being destroyed by the single touch of a hand? The sun that he was, being mercilessly killed so that someone could have their revenge? 

Taehyung's thoughts were distracted by Namjoon entering the kitchen and making his way to the fridge. As he passed, he eyed Taehyung's breakfast but didn't say anything. Then, he opened the fridge and took the yogurt out. He sat next to Taehyung, grabbing a spoon on the way.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't that yogurt expired?" he asked curiously.

Namjoon didn't react much, he just grabbed the cup and turned it around so he could find the expiration date.

"Nope, November 18th," he said, and proceeded to grab some more. 

Taehyung scoffed. 

"Well, expired or not, I wouldn't eat it if I were you." 

Namjoon's spoon was halfway to his mouth, but he froze in confusion.


Taehyung shrugged. 

"The other day, Jungkook ate, like, half of it, right before bed, and then he spent an hour on the toilet in the middle of the night. Pretty sure it's the yogurt that made him sick. It's like, the only thing he ate. So maybe you'd be better off with eggs, like me. Or pancakes." Taehyung paused. "If you make pancakes, I would like some, too." 

Namjoon looked at the yogurt a second time, then slightly pushed it away from him. He made his way back to the fridge, and this time he took out some cheese. He sat down next to Taehyung again, who in the mean time had swallowed a huge gulp of orange juice. 

"How would you know how much time he spends on the toilet, anyway? Could you hear him being sick all the way from your room?" Namjoon asked conversationally, because he felt like he hadn't spoke to Taehyung in a while, and he felt slightly bad for it. 

And what better starter for a conversation than the sickness their bandmate gets from yogurt?

"No, ew." Taehyung made a disgusted face. "God, that would be awful. No, I didn't hear him throw up or shit himself or anything. It's just, you know how his room is right next to mine, at the end of the hallway?" 

Namjoon nodded without looking at Taehyung. He was used to Taehyung talking for hours about the most random things, and he had learnt that the best way to deal with it was to nod. Just nod. And sometimes, ask a question. But mostly nod.

"Well, the floor is a bit creaky in front of my room, so every time he goes to the bathroom during the night, it wakes me up, because of the creaking. And you know I am a light sleeper. So I usually wait for him to come back before I try to fall asleep again. Usually he's only gone for a few minutes anyway. Otherwise he wakes me up on the way back too, and I hate being awoken twice, so I just wait for him to come back before I fall asleep again, you know?"

Namjoon nodded, although he didn't really know. He ate another piece of cheese. 

Taehyung went on. 

"Well, the other night, he went to the bathroom, but he came back only an hour later. So I stayed up for an hour waiting for him to come back. An hour on the toilet, that's some pretty intense sickness, if you ask me. I didn't ask him about it, though, I don't really want to know. But he was sick for an hour, and all because of that yogurt... I think it's expired."

"It's not." 

Taehyung shook his head. "Maybe the date's wrong on the cup." 

"It's not." 

"Well, it made Jungkook really sick. And that was a few days ago, too, so now the yogurt's probably even worse." 

"It's not." 

"It was like, two or three days ago? He looked a little sick the next morning, too. It was when the police officer first came. He didn't look so well that morning... It was definitely the yogurt," Taehyung concluded.

"It's no- wait, you mean the morning the police first came here?" 

Taehyung nodded and took another bite of eggs.

"You mean, the night Jungkook was sick, it was the night Hoseok died?" Namjoon asked, staring at Taehyung and expecting him to deny it. 

Taehyung's eyes went wide.

"You're right, it was the same night! Oh, my God."

"Oh, my God," mirrored Namjoon, too taken aback by the revelation to say anything else.

Taehyung shivered.

"Isn't it creepy, to think that Jungkook was shitting right next door to where Hobi was being murdered?" he questioned as he took another bite of eggs. 

Namjoon didn't move for a few seconds, but then he turned to Taehyung, and the boy noticed the fear in his eyes, fear that was growing by the second.

"Tae... Maybe - maybe Jungkook didn't go to the bathroom." 

"But the yogurt-"

"Tae," Namjoon cut him off, voice stern. "Maybe Jungkook wasn't sick that night, maybe he didn't go to the bathroom... Maybe, maybe he went to Hobi's room."

"... To Hobi's room?" Taehyung repeated in a confused voice.

Namjoon nodded slowly, closing his eyes painfully as he did so.

"To Hobi's room."


A/N - I'm thinking of forming a AA club - ARMYs Anonymous. We could complain about how Taehyung's too perfect and it's not fair, and it forces us to make him slightly dumb in our fanfics so that it doesn't hurt everyday to think that such a perfect human being exists. Denial and avoidance are the best medicines, no? 

Also, can't you feel it in the air? Our murderer's about to be caught~

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