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A/N - Sorry for the delay in updating, I've been awfully sick for the past week :( ugh. 


The room turned silent, with only Jungkook left standing in the middle, fists clenched and breathing heavily.

Seokjin slowly raised his head to stare at the members facing him. It was then that he could finally see through the tears that filled his eyes. And what he saw made him wish he was blind.

Disgust. Repulsion. Questions. 

For a brief second, it made him wonder why he was doing this. But then, he met Yoongi's dark gaze. 

Yoongi, who was now standing in the middle of the room, right between Jungkook and Namjoon. His arms were hanging down and his lips kept parting and closing without any word coming out. 

Silence had taken over the room, and it stayed until Yoongi finally parted his lips again and shattered it with a confused whisper.

"It - it was you?" Yoongi asked, his dark, blurry eyes focused on the boy in front of him.

Seokjin slowly turned his head, his eyes sadly looking over the room before focusing back on Yoongi. His eyes were shining with tears and the plead in them could not be hidden.

"Y-Yoongi, Yoongi, I -"

"It was you, Hyung? But - but why?" He asked, tone soft and confused.

Seokjin's shaking grew a little, and his arms moved to his side.

"Yoongi, please, I'm doing this for you, for you, Yoongi, I - you need to understand, I - I -"

His nervous stuttering was cut off by a fist colliding with his face, a fist he never saw coming as he had been staring at Yoongi's beautiful face. A fist that belonged to the one person he never expected violence from. A fist that hurt like hell but that he knew he deserved.

"Taehyung!" Namjoon yelled as he rushed towards the heavily breathing boy, holding him back from hitting Seokjin once again. 

But Seokjin was already down on the floor, crouched up in a painful way. He didn't try to sit up again. He stayed on the floor, slowly wrapping his arms around his core and turning his face so it would be buried into the carpet.

Wasn't it Hoseok who had chosen that carpet? But Hoseok would never get to chose a carpet again, and as Seokjin raised his eyes back up and met Yoongi's, who was now standing above him and staring down at his form, he felt his chest tighten. 

"Yoongi," he whispered, casting his eyes down again. "You know, Yoongi, I'm doing this for you, you know, right? For you, Yoongi, for you, for you, you, Yoongi, for yo-" 

His restless whispers sounded like a prayer, they held the fear of a plead and the hopes of a choir. But wasn't praying useless when God had already thrown you down the path of self-destruction? Wasn't pleading hopeless when no one on Earth could save you from yourself? Wasn't hoping a waste if it meant waiting to be gifted with something that would never be yours?

And as a last ray of hope, Seokjin unwrapped one arm from around his core, reaching out towards Yoongi with a shaky, uncontrollable hand. But Yoongi backed off suddenly, and Seokjin's hand fell in the void, and his hopes fell in the purgatory. 

"Don't - don't touch me, Seokjin," Yoongi whispered fearfully, taking another step back.

Seokjin flinched slightly, but his lips tucked upwards painfully, slightly smiling as if he could finally see peace in the middle of a bloodbath. Slowly, he pressed his left cheek into the carpet as he stared up with wide eyes at the boy he loved.

"Does a murderer disgust you that much, Yoongi-ah?" He paused, lowering his eyes. And then, he dropped his voice to a muffled and broken whisper that no one but Yoongi heard. "Then why don't you disgust me? Why do I - why do I still love you anyway?" 

He heard the boy above him take in a sudden breath, but he didn't look up. He slowly dropped his hand into the carpet, stroking it back and forth with his long fingers. He didn't want an answer to his question, he didn't want Yoongi to tell him what he already knew. It didn't matter anymore, all of it didn't matter. 

Truly, the only thing he wanted was an ending to his torments.

He knew Yoongi wouldn't be the one to give him that. Yoongi was selfish, Yoongi was arrogant, Yoongi did not love him like Seokjin loved him. Still, Yoongi could be the one wanting to nail him on the cross, and Seokjin would be the one giving him the hammer.

"I'll - I'll go call the police." 

Seokjin wasn't sure who had spoken, but he knew it wasn't Yoongi. Yoongi, who now stood motionlessly in the middle of the room, a look of utter confusion in his dark eyes. Yoongi, who Seokjin knew would never be his. 

Perhaps it was better this way. 

Perhaps it was better for him to be locked away in jail. Better than staying near Yoongi, better than having Yoongi not loving him even if Hoseok was now dead, better than facing the reality of Yoongi not loving him, not because of Hoseok's existence, but because Seokjin was Seokjin and that simply wasn't enough for Yoongi.

Seokjin sighed softly, turning his face away from the boy he loved and the other boys he'd spent the last years with. He buried his face in the carpet again, wishing to be taken far away from here, far away from this living room that held so many beautiful memories and now so much pain. 

He closed his eyes, letting his soul turn to dust as he waited for the end. He knew a police officer would soon be here, and he would take him away to jail. Still, he stayed unmoving, letting his mind sink a little more into insanity, too aware of Yoongi's silent breathing a few meters away. It was all he could hear, really, it was the only thing he wanted to hear. Yoongi's soft breathing, as Seokjin drowned into agony, Yoongi's soft breathing, as Seokjin gave his life for him.

And it was when Seokjin was taken away by the police, it was when Seokjin was sentenced to years in jail, it was when Seokjin could only see Yoongi in his mind, it was then that Seokjin knew that falling in love with someone was a poisoned gift. It might come in the prettiest box, it might be from the person you'll want to spend the rest of your life with, it might be the only thing you were truly wishing for, it still held, hidden deep within, poison that would at some point be poured into your blood. And that poison would take over every inch of you eventually, take its place into every cell of your body until you'd have no choice but to surrender. 

And sometimes, surrendering meant killing another person. Kill them, just so you'd be the only one the person you loved would see.

Other times, surrendering meant giving up on your life. Give up on yours, just so the person you loved could live theirs.

And in the worst times, surrendering meant killing the person you loved. Kill them, just so you wouldn't have to see them love someone else. 


A/N - Most of you know the who by now, but no one has guessed the why correctly yet ;) But with this chapter, you might be able to... Thus, it's time to end this~

Also: Please read the next chapter in full (including the long A/N) before you comment on it :) 

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