Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"WHAT? Why? "I almost shouted. Incredulous, I grabbed my forehead and shook my head about her decision. I was born and raised here, like all my ancestors before me. I have NEVER been to Seoul. Why should I? My life is here and nowhere else.

Eunbi picked up the remote and turned the TV on. There was a drama about a woman who can see ghosts. I really like such series where people can see ghosts. I just can't worry about it just now, I'm more worried about my future.

"I want to start a new life in Seoul together with my daughter and since I adopted you when I married your father, you have to go with me. Not like I want you. Actually, I only take you with me, because I do not want to pay maids" stepmother said chuckling and looked at her fingernails, which were freshly painted. "Why should I go with you? I don't want to! "I protested, staring out of the window in shock.

The weather looked very nice today, there was not a single cloud. "And what about my job at the cafe?" I asked sadly. I've been working in the café for a long time, where I felt most comfortable. No evil stepmother. No annoying stepsister.

"YOU DO WHAT I SAY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! ", the devil in person shouted out of the blue. She looked at me with her fiery eyes. "Besides, I quit you there today." Frightened by her emotional outburst, I flinched. Eunbi dropped the remote from her hand, because of her mother too. "Eomma! Do you have to scare me like that? "Eunbi moaned and wanted to pick up the remote control from the ground. But before she could do that, a fur ball was faster as her. He must have heard the shouting from above. He took the remote away and ran from the room into the garden, which is lovingly cared for by me. All kinds of plants grew there, from flowers to trees. There is a tree. An apple tree, which was implanted as a welcome gift to me by my father. The tree should bring me happiness, health and joy in life.

"Give it back to me right now, you stupid street dog!" Eunbi yelled after biscuit. She didn't bother from getting up from sofa, she looked at me guiltily and hissed "Can't you take your mutt in the fence? One day I will make gloves out of him! "Never in my life would I allow this! Then she can bet her ass. It is not my fault that he doesn't like you. Blame yourself, girl!

Even if stepmother does not admit it, she likes the dog. Maybe it's because he once protected her when a man came too close to her a year ago. At that time, Keks recognized the situation immediately and chased the man barking, who immediately took the way away and since then never appeared again.

"He only wants to protect me. He would never want something bad," I defended my dog and shook my head about her stupid behavior. It was silent for a short time. Nothing but the television and biscuit barking could be heard. A time I miss in this family. "Besides, I'll pick up the remote if stepmother will tell me everything how it will continues. I mean Seoul" I said to Eunbi. "I hope so too," she growled, tapping her phone without looking at me.

After she answers, I'll go outside and pick up the remote and bring it to Eunbi. After that I will go out for a walk with biscuit. He will be very happy. We will go to the park and stay there for several hours, maybe until the sun goes down. There he can let off steam and spend his time with his companions.

"When will it start?" I broke the silence. Do I have time to say goodbye to my colleagues? They treated me better than anyone else. Out of fear, they never helped me because my stepmother had bought the cafe a long time ago. If she pleases, she could just let anyone fired if they are in her way.

"Tomorrow morning, men will come and pack our furniture and put it in a truck. After that, Eunbi and I will drive to Seoul by car. You'll have to travel by bus after you had spent your last day at the café tomorrow" she said, picking up a magazine at the table. Eunbi smiled not friendly at me and showed me her tongue. Of course, stepmother cannot see it because she prefers to put her nose in a magazine.

"Okay, then I'll follow you", I sighed a little bit glad about not having to spend two hours with them in the car. I wouldn't have been able to last a long time with them. I would more as dead then we would arrive there. At least I still have time to say goodbye. A very important question came in my mind. "What about biscuits? He will go with you, right? I don't think pets are allowed in the bus" I explained, scratched my chin thoughtfully. A gesture that I always make when I'm thinking. I hope he arrives safely in Seoul, even if I'm not there.

With one hand, stepmother held the magazine and with the other she made a dismissive gesture. "Yes, he will come with us. Of course, he will sit while driving in a cage all the time." Relief spread through my body, knowing that biscuit wouldn't put somewhere elsewhere. "Thank goodness" I whispered, turning my back to them. I made my way to the garden. I wanted to spend my time with biscuit. I am always happy when I am far away from hell. "Where are you going?" My stepmother called to me. "I'll get the remote" I replied loudly as I was already standing next to the door.

When I opened the door, a barking biscuit came to meet me. To be able to stroke him, I knelt on the floor. I ran my fingers through his brown fur. He closed his ball eyes and put his paw on my lap. "Well, biscuit, we'll go out soon, but at first you have to give me the remote, otherwise Eunbi gets even angrier. Please give it to me "I asked smiling, as I saw the remote in his muzzle. He put the remote on the floor whimpering and ran up to the garden gate. He turned back to me and looked at me with a dog's eye. "Yeah, wait a second" I chuckled.

I closed the door behind me when I arrived inside. I made my way to the living room. Once there, I threw the remote directly to Eunbi, who caught it in time before it could touch her face. "Watch it!" She hissed at me. "I'm sorry," I honestly apologized to her. Even though we did not like each other, I would never want to do anything bad to her.

"Where is your mother?" I asked curiously because I could not find her anywhere. Probably she has crawled into her room and who knows what she is doing there. That's exactly what Eunbi said to me. After I said goodbye, I left the property with biscuit on a leash.

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