Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"I've already thought to myself that I had a familiar face," the boy with the hood told me. I know the voice from somewhere! Wait a minute ... isn't it "Jin?" I whispered in disbelief, not wanting him to go away again if there was a fan in here and chased him away. Besides, I want to know him near me because I already like him quite a lot, although we have only known each other since yesterday. "Of all the places we could have met. - In a bus?" I asked a bit dumbfounded to meet him in a place like this. The bus was clean, but it was not quiet here. Many children sit here and chat from all sides.

Jin pulled down his hood and opened his jacket a little, revealing a white T-shirt. "What a coincidence, right? Why are you sitting here? ", He wanted to know curiously about me. "My family and I move to Seoul," I curtly answered, not wanting to go into detail about my family. I couldn't say a good word about them and I don't want to talk about someone behind their back.

"They said they wanted something different than Busan," I added, placing my bag on my lap and avoiding eye contact. I didn't want to look him in the eye, otherwise I would burst into tears when I started to talk about my real family. At some point I would be willing to talk to him about it, but the time was not here for that.

"Enough talked about me. What are you doing here? Don't you idols have people to drive you everywhere? "I hacked, distracting myself with the ulterior motives. Luckily he swallowed my bait.

"I have an important shoot in Seoul and therefore have to go back because the driver has no time, so I have to watch how I get there. Since I don't want another driver, I decided to take a bus. That was my exciting story, "he laughed dryly, running a hand through his thick hair.

"Please go to your seats. The ride will start in a few minutes," the driver's voice spoke through a microphone. Immediately afterwards, several people poured in and looked for a place. One or the other was luckier than the others because they could not sit where they wanted to sit.

"Let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" The child kicked me on the seat from behind. If it goes on like that, I'll lose my nerve very quickly. Calmingly, Jin put his hand on my knee and looked at me encouragingly. "If you want, we can swap places. I would have nothing against that ", he said without further concerns.

Quickly I shook my head and gratefully accepted his offer. "It's really nice of you. I think I'll handle it, "I said with a smile. In my mind I added a 'hopefully'. "After all, I'm a big girl," I said with a grin and patted him on the shoulder. He didn't say a word about that, but instead laughed. Because of that some people stared at us. It was already embarrassing, so my cheeks blushed too. Jin apologized silently and bowed briefly. "Do you have any plans for what you want to do in Seoul?" The question came from Jin suddenly. He leaned back against his seat and turned his head in my direction.

I looked around for an explanation, but the search was in vain, so I had to say something that would not reveal too much. "Well, it looks like I'll work in a cafe again," I revealed my stepmother's plan. "Do you want it or someone else?", He asked me and came closer to me with his face. His closeness made me slightly nervous. "I ... eh ... n- I- I mean, yes ... I-I mean, I want it," I stammered, shaking my head at myself. I blushed with embarrassment and hid my face behind my hands so he wouldn't see me like that because I'm embarrassed when someone sees me red.

"You do not need to hide your pretty face from me," he complimented me. He gently puts his hand around my wrist and removes my hands from my face. "If you blush, it makes you all the sweeter," he teased me with a wink. He stroked the back of my hand with his thumbs, looking at me with his brown eyes.

Without warning, my heart beat faster because I had never been so close to a male, except from my dad and former workmates. What is that strange feeling? To think about it better, I squinted at my lap and broke my head about these strange but good feelings.

"Why such a thoughtful look?", Jin wanted to know, who still held my hands in his. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him smiling. "Or do you think of someone in particular? Nice someone, like me? "As if he had made a good joke, he laughed for that reason. I took his comment with an eye roll. I pulled my hands away and put them on my thighs and said, "If I thought about you, I certainly would not tell you."

After my statement, I showed him the tongue. "Oh, you bad girl," he whispered, tweaking playfully at my side. After teasing each other, we started talking about more important things. Some spoke loudly in the bus or a child desperately wanted to go to the bathroom, so the bus was forced to stop. This case was an exception, because the ride went well.

"Excuse me, I have a question."

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