Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"MHH!" I tried to speak, but I couldn't. I tried to free me from the stranger like a fish who was caught by a fisherman. My heart was racing so fast that I could hear my blood rushing behind my ear. My heart throbbed fast against my chest. I don't want to die!

"Be quiet!", Hissed the strange voice in my ear. His breath smells like alcohol. I shudder in disgust as his smell touched my nous. He let go of my mouth and hissed, "If you turn around, you will not see the next day!" "Who are you?" I said in a trembling voice. "Your stepmother was so friendly and kind enough to tell me from whom I can my money from (Y/F/N) back. " he told me. "I didn't know that his daughter is so beautiful and young", he whispered in my ear and ran his finger over my neck.

Out of nowhere came barking out of a bush jumped and growled at the man. His barking would wake the whole neighborhood or even all of Seoul. Biscuit could feel the dangerous aura around us. Surely he could smell my sweat of fear over miles. The man flinched at biscuit appearance, startled, and hissed, "Where does this mutt come from so suddenly?" As biscuit made louder and more dangerous sounds, the man took his legs in his hand and run as fast as his legs could. My furred best friend chased him all over the park. Before the man ran across the street, I could see how biscuit bit him in the butt.

Shocked by this robbery, I got up shakily and just wanted to get away from here as fast as possible. When I realized what had just happened to me, I grabbed my cell phone and called the only contact I have and who I can trust.


It rang on the other side. My tears flowed like a waterfall over my cheeks, they didn't want to stop. "Yeoboseyo? ... is it you (Y/N)?", Sounded Jin's voice on the phone. His voice sounded different than usual. "N-Ne, it's me," I sniffled and wiped my face with the back of my hand. I don't care if my mascara makes me a look like a panda. After all, I have just experienced the shock of my life!

"Why are you crying, (Y/N)? Are not you feeling well? "He asked me worried. I could clearly hear his concern from his voice. Before I could answer his question, I swallowed briefly and took a deep breath. "I just was attacked," I cried. Biscuit whimpered and licked the tears from my face. Gratefully I stroked his head with my free hand and tried to curb my crying. It even worked a bit. At least now I'm not crying as hard as I just did before.

"Where are you?", Jin brought me back to reality. "In the park," I whispered weakly, fearing that my voice would fail at any time. "Stay where you are, I'll come right away," Jin gently talked to me and hung up after my approval. Biscuit lay protectively beside me and kept an eye on me. From time to time, he also looked around to see if the man had make his way back here.

I don't know how long I've been waiting here, but the overwhelming silence and darkness made me shiver slowly. Usually I was not afraid of the dark, but it is understandable after what happened to me. Don't not feel well here anymore, so I got up from the bench and walked to the entrance of the park. Biscuit immediately ran towards a person who was running towards us. "Is it you (Y/N)?" I heard Jin's voice speak. I would like to scream "Yes" loudly, but it got stuck in my throat. I had no choice but to nod.

Jin ran faster towards me and pulled me into his arms. Like a wave, a variety of emotions came over me. Anger at stepmother, shock over the strange man and relief to see Jin. "Thank God, nothing has happened to you," Jin said relieved, after checking me for bruises or anything else. He strokes my head as I cried into his chest. "Shh ... it's alright. I'm here, "Jin tried to reassure me. I clawed his back and cried, "Please stay with me." He responded to my request by pulling me closer and saying, "I'll stay as long as you want me to."

After a while I calmed down. None of us lost a single word, yet the atmosphere was pleasant and unpleasant at the same time. Biscuit lay on the floor and waited obediently for us. "Are you feeling better?" Jin asked after hearing me sigh and stop shaking with my shoulder. "Slowly," I mumbled into his chest. With my head away from his direction, I let go of him. I didn't want him to see my red nose and swollen eyes. Who knows what he would think of me.

"Why don't you want to look at me?" He said, trying to catch my look. Not wanting to frighten me, he carefully grabbed my face and turned it in his direction. "Why do not you look at your globally handsome oppa?" Jin asked worriedly, wiping my new tears with his thumbs. "I-I-", I began to get out reasonable words. "Let's go to a cafe, I'll drive you," he suggested, pushing me to the parking lot. "Biscuit come," Jin called to the dog as who hasn't move from his spot. The named dog came to us immediately and looked briefly to me. It looks like it he wanted to make sure what I was oky.

There were only a few cars in the parking lot, Jins car was one of them. The cars headlights lit up immediately after pressing the button of the key. "Are you there with someone?" I asked, seeing a shadow in the car. "Yes with...."

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