Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

"..And now I'm stuck here. The End" I finished my story, what has happened so far. Areum hadn't interrupted me once, instead she had listened very attentively and asked questions from time to time if she seemed a little unclear. It's really surprising to see her so quiet, as she usually can't keep her mouth shut.

After I said everything, we fell silent and followed our own thoughts. During that time I thought of biscuits, Busan and even Jin. I miss these two so crazy!

When I've gotten rid of everything that has eaten in me over the years, I feel a lot easier now. "What did you just have to go through?", Areum sighed after the silence with a lowered look to the ground. "Much," I laughed playfully. Of course, Areum could hear my sarcasm out of my voice. "You can't take it, (Y/N). Why didn't you tell me about all this before? We could have found a solution together", she said immediately. I turned to face her and looked at her with a slightly annoyed look on my face. I said to her, "Well, ... my old co-workers, of course, knew all about it, but no one dared to say anything, otherwise they would lose their jobs. Besides, I never thought that stepmother would ever become violent to me." Then I dropped my head. Over my loss I stared sadly at ground. "I want to have my guitar back completely", I said afterwards in a whiny voice. However, I wouldn't allow my sadness to regain the upper hand over me. Even though the loss hurts me badly, I would like to do something more against stepmother and Eunbi. I can't let her win! Only then I can worry about my guitar then everything is over.

Wait a minute ... Did I ever mention Areum where I am live? "How did you know that I was here and not outside? I fancy that I've never told you where I live. I have not given you my address, either to anyone else", I wanted to know from her. Who knows, maybe she has secretly followed me. Areum noticed my questioning face and said, "Um ... That's easy to explain, (Y/N). The thing is ... um ... your stepmother is my boss and gave me her address when I had to stop by this house before you moved here. We were so worried about you when you stopped reporting your message, so we started to worry about you." She got a skeptical look from me with raised eyebrows. I didn't believe her a piece, which she tries to serve me here. Honestly, I just had no nerve to follow, so I picked up the guitar piece with the quote and watched it instead.

"Can I have a closer look?", my good friend asked me very carefully. She was afraid I would start crying every second. "Yes, but please be careful", I asked her a favor. "Yeah, sure", she nodded. "I'll be careful not to break anything", she interjected quickly, realizing that I wanted to hear more than just a simple "Yes, of course".

Carefully, I handed her over the guitar and watched her with eagle eyes as Areum touched the piece with both hands, took it and examined it from all sides.

"Something seems strange to me", said Areum, who suddenly held a corner of a piece of brown paper between her index finger and thumb. "Hm, funny, I've never noticed before that there seems to be something inside. Let's get to the bottom of it", I suggested curiously. I didn't know what to think about it. "Okay", she confirmed, nodding. Together we tried to solve the piece as carefully as possible from the guitar piece. You had to be careful not to break a piece without purpose. "Be careful," she said, watching me pull out the paper.

Our eyes were as wide open as possible. In my hands I held a brown envelope with the inscription of my name on it. To look at the writing more closely, I held it close to my face. With my eyes, I pursued the scriptures and came to the conclusion that I find the sign very familiar. I'm even very sure who owns this unique sign. I told her my discovery, "I would recognize this scripture everywhere." "Who owns it?" She interrupted impatiently. "It once belonged to my father," I told her, opening the envelope with shaky hands. When it was open, I turned the envelope upside down and dumped the contents on the floor. There was a lot of stuff in the envelope. For one thing, many photos, a small folded piece of paper and even a key have lain in it. "So your father put the envelope in your guitar?" She asked, her mouth open and eyes wide. "It looks like it", I whispered surprised to find something in my old, broken guitar.

"For what is the key?", Areum asked, holding the key in the air. She turned it in every direction, hoping I'd find a clue to it. "Ohh, there's a number on it. One hundred and eighty", I shared what I had seen on the key. "But for what?" Areum hacked, shaking her head. "No idea", I shrugged and put the key hissing on the floor and said, "We can break our heads later. I would like to first see what pictures were in the envelope." Areum and I collected each single picture together. Areum gave me the pictures she fished out so I could take a closer look. When I did this, Areum looked over my shoulder and looked at the photos with me.

I could find some pictures of me, my dad and my mother. One of them was a family photo of the three of us together. As if the photo were made of glass, I carefully picked it up from the floor. In the photo, I was just two years old, sitting calmly on her father's lap and holding her mother's hand and simply smiling happily at the camera. There were no worries at the time. No worries about illness, gambling addiction or money worries that needed to be taken care of. "This is a really harmonious and beautiful photo", commented Areum, who had to watch me remember. "Yeah, that's it", I agreed with her and crossed my thumb over the photo and put it after a few minutes to side and then turned back to the mysterious key. "Maybe we find a hint on the paper that could be useful to us." "Maybe", I laughed afterwards, becoming quieter. In any case I don't want to wake someone up in this household.

"Well, let's see what my dad left me for a message", I mumbled more to myself. I'm really curious what we would find for a message. If there is a message in it at all and not something else.

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